Part 42: Day on the Town

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A/N: I figured you needed something that's not depressing so here you go.


I was sitting on the couch, waiting for Echo to finish getting ready. I looked at the clock to see that it was 10am. I had woken Echo up a little early because I figured she needed a day out of the house.

Also, it was Christmas Eve, and I still hadn't got a present for most of the people I needed to get one for. Yeah, I'm a little late. I still hadn't even put my tree up. But it's not my fault. Chris got all sentimental on me saying that everyone should do it together as a family.

He also asked me to have everyone over at my house, this year. I said yes, but then I remembered how many people would be over in my little house.

Me, Kelly, Chris, Ricky, Chris's parents and siblings, Echo, Ashton, Balz, Ryan Ashley, Toronto and Casper, Ryan, Vinny, Devin, Kylie, my parents, and Kelly's parents.

All in my house.

But I said yes, and there was no turning back.

"Okay, Ange, I'm ready to go." Echo said said.

"Great! Get you're coat before we go. Let's not forget that we're in Pensylvania and there's snow everywhere." I said.

She got her coat and her beanie.

"Hey, where's Kelly?" She asked me.

"She went to get a few presents and some stuff to make food and a few extra ornaments for the tree. She left at like 7 so she didn't get stuck in traffic." I said.

"Hm. That's pretty smart."

"Yeah. I just don't know how she manages to get up so early and go to bed so late." I said as I slightly laughed.

I helped her into the car before getting in myself and starting it.

"Where are we going first?" She asked me.

"The music store." I said.


So we drove the 10 minutes to the mall, which was right next to the music store, and was packed, by the way.

"Okay, let's go." I said.

So we went up to the doors, we walked in, and we just started walking around at first.

"So, who's present are you looking for?" She asked me.

"Ashton's." I said.

"Cool. What are you getting him?"

I pointed to the big box that was sitting under a shelf.

"That drum set." I said.

"That's cool." She said.

"Yeah. Can you come help me pick it up? It's pretty heavy."

She nodded her head and we got the drum set, bought it, and took it out to the car.

We ended up going to a bunch of other different stores to get a bunch of other different gifts for a bunch of people.

We didn't get back until about 5 in the evening, when Kelly was putting food in the fridge.

"You left at 7 in the morning and just got back?" I asked her.

"Well, Ange, I had to go all the way to Kingston to get your gift and I got stuck in traffic everywhere I went!" She said.

"Oh. Well what did you have to go all the Kingston for to get me?" I asked her.

"You'll find out tomorrow." She said.


"Have you talked to the guys lately? Didn't they say they would be here tonight?" She asked me.

"Yeah. They'll be here around 8." I said.

"They will?" Echo asked.

"Yep. Just try to handle yourself for 3 more hours." I said while laughing.

3 Hours Later

"We're here!" Chris shouted as he walked through my front door.

So we caught up a bit and everyone was hugging Echo saying that she looked so much better.

I wrapped all of the presents while everyone was sleeping on the floor.

Adopted by Chris Motionless and Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now