Part 39: She Came Back

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I remember when me and Ricky first brought her home from the Adoption Center. How shy she was. She eventually grew to be comfortable around us.

I remember the very first day she called me Dad. I was just so happy, I didn't know how to process it.

I remember how happy she was when we adopted Ashton. I loved to see her smile. It's sad that it's possible I'll never see it anymore.

What if she doesn't make it? All I'll have left is the memories, the pictures, and the adoption papers.

And if she doesn't make it, how will I be able to live with the thought? The thought that I was such a terrible father, that I couldn't stop her from the biggest mistake she would ever make? The thought that I was such a terrible father, I couldn't make her happy, and notice how sad she seemed to be. I should have asked her what was wrong. I should have helped her. For fucks sake, I'm so unfit to be a father that I couldn't keep a child for a year without her trying to kill herself.

Me and Ricky were in the hospital room, holding her hand. She had tubes hooked up to machines stuck in her arms. Ricky still had tears in his eyes. I had them in mine, too.

A 2% chance of living. A 2% chance of living.

I've finally given up hope on her. She hasn't woken up in 6 hours.

This...this could be the end of my daughter..

I kept feeling her hand twitch in mine.

Ricky stood up.

"I'm going to the bathroom." He said before bending down and kissing Echo's forehead.

He walked out of the room.

I layed my head down on our hands and closed my eyes.


"Dad! Dad, wake up. Dad!" I heard someone say as I was shaken awake.

I lifted my head up to see those same familiar bright blue eyes staring at me.

"Echo!" I said as I stood up and hugged her as tight as I could. I heard her wince a little, so I lightened up a little bit.

I turned around and saw Ricky.

"Ricky! She's alive!" I said. "Go get the guys!"

Ricky laughed a little bit and walked into the hallway where the guys were. He came back in a few seconds later with the guys following behind him. I noticed Angelo was behind him.

"Ange? You came all the way from Scranton?" I asked.

"Well, yeah!" He said. "Why wouldn't I? This was a really big deal!"

Everyone was gathered around Echo. No one really talked about the suicide attempt itself, they just talked about how thankful they were that she was alright. Which was fine by me.

Words can't express how glad I was that she made it..

Adopted by Chris Motionless and Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now