Part 47: The Fight

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"Echo, listen, if that bitch does anything, I mean anything, you fucking beat her ass. I'm so fucking tired of her." Chris said to me as me and Ashton got out of the car. 

"Okay Dad. Got it." I said. 

I hope you can guess who he's talking about. Rowan. 

Me and Ashton got out of the car and walked towards the front doors of the school as Chris and Ricky drove away. When we got inside the school, Ross and Alex were there waiting for us just like always. Kelsie was never there, though. Because let's not forget how Rowan acts like she owns her. We have been seeing more of her since she's been dating Alex, however, and I hope it stays that way. 

Ross greeted me with a hug just like always, which was freaking great in this late February weather. 

We walked to my locker and I got my stuff for first period. 

I told Ross bye and went off to class, and everyone else did the same. 

Later in the Cafeteria 

So everything was going okay at the moment. Rowan doesn't sit with us anymore, which was a good thing. She joined Adyson's "clique," so she had started sitting with them. Kelise used to sit with her from time to time, but they treat her the same way as Ashton, so she's stopped recently, which means she's been sitting with us. And believe me, I'm not complaining at all. Kelsie is actually really really nice. She's also really funny, which is why I'm glad she sits at our lunch table, because it wouldn't be as much fun without her. 

Just as Ashton sat down, he pulled out his phone and started listening to music. 

He wasn't being himself lately. It was kind of weird. I was a little worried about him. He hasn't been as close with me, Chris, and Ricky as he used to be. And to be honest, it was kind of lonely at the house with him not interacting with us. He's either in his room on his phone or laptop or in the garage drumming. 

 I took a bite of my lunch as I Kelsie was talking about some random thing that Alex said to her. They were so cute I swear to god. 

About mid sentence, Kelsie got an angry look on her face and looked behind me.

"STOP!" She yelled. 

Fuck. It was her

Before I could even turn around, I felt something cold and wet hit my head, followed by a plastic object falling on my head. 

Yep, she dumped a water bottle on my head. 

Shit's about to get real. 

"Oops. Sorry, Echo." I heard Rowan snicker. "Accidentally dropped my water." 

I turned around and stared at her.

Don't snap...I thought. Don't do it....but wait. Remember what Dad said? 

"If anything happens, you beat that bitch's ass." 

No problem, Dad. 

I waited until she got this weird look on her face and started walking away. 

I slowly stood up from the table and turned to Kelsie. 

"Excuse me. I'll be back. I just need to go beat a bitch's ass." I said calmly. 

I walked up to her as calmly as I could with my dripping wet hair making my eyeliner stream down my face. 

I tapped her shoulder, and she turned around. 

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