Part 37: Two Percent Chance

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Me and the guys were sitting in the waiting room. Chris was sitting to my left, and Devin was sitting to my right.

How could I let this happen? This is all my fault. I should have thrown away those pills, I shouldn't have kept them.

I was just going over the same exact thoughts over and over again when one of the doctors walked into the room.

"Ricky and Chris Cerulli?" He asked.

Chris raised his hand a little bit.

"That's us." He said.

The doctor nodded his head. "Can you come with me?"

We nodded our heads and followed him out into the hallway.

"Your daughter, Echo, we did a few tests on her..." He said.

"What were the results? I mean what's going to happen to her?" Chris asked.

"Well, she...she has a 2% chance of living." He said.

Chris started crying. This was the first time I had ever seen him cry, but who wouldn't cry if their daughter would most likely be dead within the next 2 hours?

"What if she lives?" I asked. "What'll happen then?"

"She'll be in critical condition for a week, and needs to get a lot of rest, and then she'll have to take it easy for the next week. She can't go to school for those 2 weeks, either. The full healing process will take at least a month, that is, if she even makes it through..."

"Oh." I said.

"Well, there's all the information I can give. You can go sit in the waiting room." He said as he walked away.

Me and Chris walked into the waiting room and sat back down.

"So, what's happening to her?" Devin asked.

"She has a 2% chance of living. And if she makes it through she won't be fully healed for a month. If she even lives." I said.

"Oh." He said.

Suddenly, I couldn't hold the tears back anymore. I ended up crying myself to sleep on Chris shoulder with Devin holding my hand.

Adopted by Chris Motionless and Ricky HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now