Part 27: The Walk Home

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Ashton and Alex were ahead of us and me and Ross were walking next to each other.

"What time is it?" He asked me.

I pulled out my phone and looked at the clock.

"1:48." I said.

"The party's at 4, right?"


"Are you exited?" He asked.

"I guess." I said.

"Cool. Hey Echo?"


"You seem...different today. You don't seem as happy as you were when I was on the phone with you yesterday morning. Did something happen?"

Something did happen. That dream I had with Lucas fucked me up. I'm surprised he noticed.

"I had a dream about Lucas...that's all." I said.

"Lucas? Who's that?"

I remembered that I hadn't told Ross about Lucas yet.

"Well...over the summer, around the time when Dad and Ricky got me, I went on tour with them. Their tour manager, Josh, had a 16 year old son named Lucas. I stayed up until 4 am with him. He said I was cute a few times. He took me to an All Time Low concert and kissed me. And he was my first love." I said while fighting back tears.

"Did something happen?" He asked worriedly.

"He committed suicide on August 3rd." I said quickly.

Ross looked shocked. "I'm sorry." He said.

"No, it's fine." I said. But it wasn't fine. I lost the only thing I wanted. The love of my life was gone. And he's never coming back.

"Gosh. Here I was planning to tell you I liked you and now I feel bad." Ross said with a slight chuckle.

"What? You like me?" I asked.




"You like me?"

"I guess..."

"You want to talk about it, or something?" I asked him nervously.

"Sure. When we get to you're house."

We walked in silence for a few minutes before we finally got to my house. We all walked inside, and the house smelled like vanilla since Eryn was baking the cake she started this morning.

"So, you want to go to my room and talk?" I asked him.


We walked up the stairs and down the hallway before we walked to my room.

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