Thranduil (Part One)

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Imagine falling in love with King Thranduil, but not realizing he is doing the same with you. It is rather short, but I like it.

Not many days were like this one. In fact, the past few weeks have been bright in your Elven eyes. For once, the canopy of darkness around Mirkwood seemed to be lifted. Your heart was full of light and there was a spring in your step.

Maybe it was the exceptionally good lembas, or the way the roses gleamed under the stars. Perhaps it was even a tall, platinum haired King, that seemed to dance constantly, in and out of your thoughts.

As the days passed you became more and more aware of his sparkling blue eyes, the way he protected his people, and even the graceful and proud way he walked about his precious realm.

Alas, for you could only watch. Though you saw him everyday, at his best and his worst, you were only a maid. In your own eyes, you are but a lowly servant. A girl dressed in a now well-worn uniform, that sometimes found herself crying in the night, longing for her long departed family. You did not notice your delicate lithe, nor your lilting voice that seemed to float on the air like a fresh autumn breeze.

All of these things you did not pay any attention, but away you dreamed. Of his soft touch and kindly gaze. Of his passion for his people, and love for his son. Lost in your daydreams, you could not have noticed the Elven King watching you, as you took the laundry off the line.

He watched you, as you smiled at a passing butterfly. The sun crowned you in an ethereal glow, your long (Y/H/C) shining hair swishing in a gentle breeze. He felt the ice around his hardened heart crack little by little, and it seemed to with each passing day he gazed upon you.

You reached up and held out a finger, the small insect landing on it. It stayed for awhile, then flew away, probably to some flower that you would care for later. Sighing in contentment, a melody floated into your head. Deciding no one was around, your sweet voice filled the air, and you made up the words as you went.

Once in a kingdom, not long ago,
Was a young maid, whose name he didn't know.

She walked his halls each morning, watched him as he went,
Off to his work, his fair head never bent.

Though she'd never say, her heart does not betray,
The love she feels grows, with each passing day.

Never to be known, but never unsung,
She plods along, her song never done.

Once in a kingdom, not long ago.

You were startled from your reverie by a light touch on your shoulder. Turning around, your stomach scrambled at the sight in front of you, your King.

"My-my Lord! I did not see you! Please, pardon my folly." you said bowing.

"No folly was committed here, M'lady. And I insist, call me Thranduil."

Your heart leapt in your chest. "Y-yes, if you insist, Thranduil." You replied nervously.

"Do not be so worrisome, you have no need to be," he said with a small smile, "I have just come to give you an urgent assignment."

"Yes, anything." you said.

"I need you too take some time off, and join me for my evening meal tonight."

You almost gasped aloud at his invitation. Did he really mean it?

"Well, I assume I shall see you there. It is by order of the King, after all," he said with a wink.

"I am most gracious, thank you Thranduil." you said breathlessly.

"Until tonight, M'lady," he said softly, picking up your hand and placing a gentle kiss on it. With that, he turned and left you in your shock and growing excitement.

Just as he was about to round the corner he suddenly stopped.

"Oh, and by the way, I do know your name (Y/N/H)."

You smiled to yourself as his footsteps echoed on the stone pathway. You would definitely be changing out of your well-worn uniform.

Well, what did you think? A part 2 maybe?

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