Thriller (Company x Reader)

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This was requested by ThorinFiliKili_Bae I changed it a little bit, but I hope you like it! Imagine being from modern day and ending up in Middle Earth. Your iPod works because of Gandalf, and from time to time you dance to the music...
There's nothing like putting in headphones and tuning out the world around you. Especially when your stressed. Music is a way of calming, and relaxing the spirit.

And the lord knows you need it. Especially in Thorin Oakenshield's Company.

It's not that you're complaining. Heck, I couldn't. Not with these guys around.

But it did get tiring, what with all the fighting, stubborn dwarves (AHEM Thorin), and orcs/goblins

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But it did get tiring, what with all the fighting, stubborn dwarves (AHEM Thorin), and orcs/goblins. So thanks to Gandalf, your iPod never needs charging. You can listen to music whenever you want. It was the only thing you had on you when you ended up in Middle Earth. Which strangely still goes unexplained. You took a wrong path in the woods by your house one night, slipped on the wet stone path, and woke up to a gray old wizard standing above you. A group of Dwarves and a single Hobbit with him. Ever since then, you've travelled with them. They've taught you how to fight, and braid hair exquisitely. They marvel at your iPod, it being a spectacular feat of magic to them.

This brings us to one particular day, when it was wet and dreary. The whole company was in a sour mood, it had been raining for days.

Deciding it was an opportune time to listen to music, you pulled out your iPod. As you sat by the fire that evening, you scrolled through your songs. You stopped as one in particular caught your eye. 'Thriller' by Michael Jackson.

Taking your headphones out of the jack, you slipped off into the trees. No one listens to Thriller without dancing, and the tired bunch of Dwarves probably wouldn't appreciate it.

You put your iPod on a tree stump, and the dance began. You felt alive as the movements brought back memories of dances danced long ago. As the song continued, back at camp your absence did not go unnoticed.

"Wait, where's (Y/N/H)?" Bofur wondered aloud.

Fili looked around the clearing, and not seeing you called for Thorin.

"Have you seen where (Y/N/H)'s gone?" he asked, growing nervous.

Thorin stared him down. In his mind he searched and screened his brain for an answer. The truthful answer would not have sufficed, because he knew exactly where you were. And that you were dancing.

How did he know this, you may ask?

He knew, because you were his dance teacher.

That's right, you had been teaching Thorin Oakenshield, King under the Mountain, dances from our period of life.

One night not long ago, you had wandered off to dance, like you now were. He noticing your absence first, had looked for you and found you dancing. He demanded to know what it was that you were doing.

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