Dwalin's Ear (Dwalin x Reader)

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This was requested by ThorinFiliKili_Bae . Imagine always wondering what happened to Dwalin's right ear, and one night finally asking. The answer is shocking...

The fire crackled and fizzed, everyone warming themselves and mulling over the days events. Fili sat to your right, and Dwalin to your left.

Deep in thought, you didn't really notice everyone was looking at you. There were more important things to be concerned with right now. Your mind was consumed with one burning thought:

What in the world happened to Dwalin's ear?

Half of it was missing! "That must feel really weird," you thought to yourself, "It must get hard to hear. I bet it's a really interesting story-"

"(Y/N/H)!" Kili shouted, "do you really like Dwalin that much or are you going mental?"

Your face turned beet red. It wasn't until now that you noticed all the company was looking at you.

"N-no! I was just thinking, that's all!" you reassured.

Kili looked unconvinced.

"Right, right. And what about?" he asked nonchalantly, "care to share?"

Deciding the truth was perfectly reasonable, you replied: "If you must know, you nosy Dwarf, I was just wondering what happened to Dwalin's ear."

There was a moment of utter stillness in the group before they all cracked huge smiles. They looked around at each other and Dwalin looked really uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry Dwalin, if that was too personal," you whispered.

He shook his head and smiled nervously. "D-don't worry about it lass."

"(Y/N/H) if you really want to know, brace yourself. For it is a most gruesome and heroic story," said Thorin, woe in his voice.

"Now now," Dwalin interrupted, "don't you dare do this Thorin."

"I will, friend Dwalin, because (Y/N/H) asked. You'll let us tell her or else we'll tell her a different story, one that you told me the other night, about something that you feel for someone..."

"Alright! Tell her the other," he said hurriedly, "get on with the dreadful story."

"Indeed," Fili agreed, "it is known to make grown men cry and women faint."

Startling concern began to grow in you. What could've possibly happened that was so bad? And what did Thorin mean by Dwalin feeling for someone? Could it be you?

"It was late one night, and a party of us were hunting near the Blue Mountains," Balin began, in his wise old way.

"All had been going fine, and we were faring well in the way of game," Fili continued, "until some un-foreseeable danger crept up on us," Fili finished with a troubled expression.

"It had stalked us all night," Thorin said with a shiver, "we were unaware until it was too late."

"This is where our brave Dwalin comes into play," Kili intervened, shooting a courageous look at said Dwarf. Dwalin's eyes shot back helpless daggers.

"He gallantly volunteered to stay at the back of the group, as our rear-guard," Balin continued, "until suddenly, the ferocious thing ran under his feet and tripped him up! He did let out quite a terrifying scream."

By now, Dwalin looked as if he could scream, but you were enjoying the tale quite immensely.

"What happened then?" you asked, completely entranced with their story.

"I'll tell you what happened next, (Y/N/H)," Thorin volunteered, "before Dwalin could swing his mighty axe on the beasts ghastly neck, he slipped."

This time, Nori darted in the conversation, "In his fall, we heard the terrible chomp and in the torch light, half his ear had been nicked off," here Nori paused, and looked around at the group. They all lost their somber expressions and were cracking grins.

"Why are you all smiling?" you asked indignantly, "what happened to the beast who chomped his ear off?"

"Oh that nasty thing?" Fili asked, "that's not what got him. You know why?"

"Why?" you asked confusedly.

Everyone by now was almost bursting with laughter.

"Because," said Fili, "the beast was a wee rabbit!"

The whole company burst into gales of laughter. You couldn't bring yourself to laugh though. You looked at Dwalin, whose head hung in shame.

"Then how did his ear get nicked?"

"His axe cut it when he fell," Thorin said between bursts of laughter.

You looked sympathetically at Dwalin, and knew at once what you had to do.

You cleared your throat and when everyone was quiet you said: "Well you all poke your fun at Dwalin, but I think he's still the bravest out of all of you."

With that you leaned over, kissed him on the cheek, and rose to go to bed.

You felt them staring after you and quietly you heard Dwalin: "Aye boys, thank ye for that. Now she's mine."

You smiled as their protests filled the night air, your mind finally clear of any questions. Including Dwalin's ear, and his devotion.
What did you think? I loved writing this. Any other requests?

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