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If you want the full affect, listen to the song above wile reading this. Kinda sad, not gonna lie. But don't worry, I'll make it up to y'all soon.

Every night, he waited for her.

The northern lights would awaken the sky and he'd wait outside her window, knowing she'd want to go to the highest hill to see them.

She loved the stars, unlike most Dwarves. To her they were untouched and beautiful and no evil could possibly destroy them.

And they gave her hope.

He didn't love the stars, but he loved her. And if spending time with her meant looking at the sky, he'd lay there forever.

She was his One, he was absolutely sure. And on this particular night, he planned on making his intentions known. For through all their lives they had been friends. Best friends, that is. Inseparable, joined at the hip.

Naturally, he fell for her. Her beauty and grace spun his mind around and made him hold his breath.

Not only because it was true, but because he'd be leaving soon. Their homeland, Erebor, was going to be reclaimed. This expedition was headed by his uncle, Thorin, rightful King Under the Mountain. He'd never known this home, but he longed for it with an adventurer's and sojourner's heart. It almost broke said heart, to leave her. You, that is.

But in his mind he imagined a life for the two of you, where you'd spend your days raising kids and growing old together. Yes, that's right, tonight he would put everything on the line.

The tall soft grass enveloped your still forms, and though you breathed calmly, and deeply, his heart was absolutely racing. In his pocket, a pair of hair beads made of mithril and silver gleamed. It was a promise. A token to ensure you he'd be coming back.

You startled him from his thoughts when you spoke. "It's magnificent, isn't it?"

He takes one look at the night-sky but looks right back at you. "Yes, it really is," he whispered.

Luckily, the dark of night hid the blush running across your cheekbones. "Whatever you say Fi," you replied. A sadness crept over your heart and you sighed. "I'm going to miss you. A lot."

"I'm going to miss you, a lot," he replied. Fili looked at you, and summoning his courage sat up.

"(Y/N/H)! Before I go, I want to play a game with you. I need you to sit up, close your eyes, and open a hand."

This struck you as weird, but you complied. You waited a few seconds and after a deep breath from Fili, two small, cold objects dropped into your hand.

"Now close your hand and try to guess what they are," he said quietly, his voice rich with apprehension.

You did so, and knew right away it was made of mithril. Your dwarven hands knew the element well.

"Well, it is mithril, but I'll need a hint after that," you conveyed.

With your eyes still closed you felt Fili's hands wrap around your own. Your pulse quickened as you sensed him leaning in, his warm breath next to your ear.

"If you were good at guessing, you would also know they were for your silken hair," he spoke softly.

Your mind was racing trying to decide what it was they were. Suddenly, an idea popped into your head. You swallowed nervously, you almost didn't want to say it if it was wrong.

"E-engagement beads?" You spoke softly, opening your eyes.

Fili was two inches from your face, his eyes shining and filled with what looked like... love. He took your hands in his, stroking your skin with his thumbs.

"You must know (Y/N/H), that I love you. You are my One, I've known it since we were still Dwarflings," he said softly, "And I dare not leave without telling you, that my intentions are too marry you," he paused and looked at your intertwined hands.

"If you'll have me," he finished.

You smiled, tears of joy running down your face.

"Yes, Fili. I will. I'll spend the rest of my life with you. If you'll have me."

He was tearing up by now.

"I will. And as soon as we reclaim Erebor, I'll send for you. Just wait, it'll be amazing Amrâlimê."

Almost one year later...

The day that you received the message, you couldn't believe it. For months you had anticipated and cried over the longing for your beloved, for the moment you'd be reunited.

But now as you held a cold, metal sword in your hands, you didn't want to believe it.

You were in Erebor, and in front of you was Fili.

But he was lying still, and next to him stood Balin, crying as he passed Fili's sky blue hood into your hands.

Your thoughts flashed to that night, on the hill beneath the stars. It felt like it was so long ago, yet it was so far away.

"If you'll have me," she thought, "if only I could've."

What did you think? Sorry, but I felt like doing this one. But like I said, I'll make it up to you.😁


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