Dreamer (Thorin x Reader)

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This character was requested by WorrierWolf30 Imagine being friends with Fili and Kili, and living in Erebor after its reclaimed. However, your heart longs for somewhere far away. You plan to leave, but someone wishes you wouldn't...

The wind is biting when it blows. And not just because it's cold.

The sting mostly comes in the form of how free it is. Free to roam, and bounce off whatever mountain face it pleases. You however, weren't.

It's a mover, and a shaker.

It does not wait, it only goes. And never stops.

You felt the coolness of it buff you as you stood on a stone balcony, over looking the valley below Erebor.

You discovered that if you kept your eyes straight on the horizon, you could see nothing else but the setting sun. And you never wanted to look away.

Out in the distance you could imagine faraway lands, and cozy little houses. Namely in the Shire. And in the Shire there was a little Hobbit named Bilbo. You wondered how he was faring after his long and arduous journey.

It had only been a month since he had reached home, and Erebor was once again under the rule of the sons of Durin.

You sighed when you heard the door to your apartment creak open. One of those sons was calling on you, and you knew exactly who.

"You do know there's a party downstairs don't you?" Kili remarked, "or would you rather watch the grass grow?"

You didn't answer his playful banter as you usually would. Times were different, one could say.

This of course did not escape his notice.

"(Y/N/H)? Are you alright?" he asked slightly concerned.

"I suppose," you replied doggedly, "as alright as one can be for a caged bird."

This really got his attention and he strode up behind you, lightly placing a hand on your shoulder.

"A caged bird? What in the Misty Mountains is wrong? And be honest now," he asked.

"That's exactly it! It's... it's this place," you huffed, "You'd think after all these years of exile from our homeland I'd be over joyed to be back. And I should be."

"But..." he prodded.

"But I'm not. It's home to everyone else, but I don't feel right here. I felt right out there," you breathed, waving an arm over the landscape, "out where walls can't contain me."

Kili looked on, and listened. His face held a certain understanding, for he had seen the wonders of the world along with you. But there was also a sadness there.

"You never did like being underground, which is very un-Dwarf like you know."

"I know," you replied, "but I can't help the way I feel. I feel as if the night is calling, and if I don't answer it, I may suffocate."

"Speaking of feelings," he mentioned, leaning up against the railing, "if you decide to leave, someone will be quite sorrowful."

You felt your breath catch in your throat, and the heat rise in your cheeks.

"I think not, my friend," you corrected him, "I've seen no sign or signal of anything but lukewarm regard from him. And you know it too."

He raised his eyebrows in question.

"Are you sure about that my friend?"

You took a deep breath.

"Yes. And I'm quite sure that tonight will be my last here. And it does pain me to go," you admitted. Even still, it felt relieving to say the words aloud.

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