Surprise! (Boromir x Reader)

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This character was requested by Sierra_Laufeyson  Imagine marrying Boromir just before he leaves on a quest. When he gets back, he discovers something incredible...

"Sit my love," he said softly, "there's something I need to do."

You smiled and sat gratefully, dancing nigh upon two hours can wear a person out.

"Excuse me!" he shouted, "I have something to say."

Everyone eventually quieted down and smiled eagerly at the newly wedded Boromir. Yes, that's right. Boromir had somehow managed to snag a catch like you.

"I have some words to say to my lovely bride," he said proudly, "(Y/N/H), you have no idea the joy you've bestowed upon my life by marrying me."

His words made you tear up a bit, knowing that they came from his heart.

"And I promise by my life that I will always be here, to protect and comfort you," he continued, "nothing could ever steal away what is ours."

"To a long and happy life," he finished, raising his glass, "here here!"

"Here here!" everyone cheered.

He came back to his seat with the sweetest smile on his face.

"Boromir, that was beautiful!" you exclaimed.

He blushed, which was unlike the manly warrior.

"Not nearly as beautiful as you," he replied, kissing your hand.

You blushed as well, fully realizing you fulfilled the role of "the blushing bride".

The rest of the night went amazingly. Well, mostly. Faramir gave a wonderfully eloquent speech. He wished happiness upon your union and joked about wishing you luck, marrying into a crazy family and all.

You could say this didn't go over well with Denethor.

The only real blemish on that happy day was in fact Denethor.

Normally, it is custom for the father of the groom to give a speech to the new couple, but he didn't. In fact, there is no record of his ever blessing the union. You knew exactly why:

Your family did not come from nobility.

It's sad, but true.

Despite this, the fact that Boromir went behind his fathers back and courted you, even going on to marry you, speaks volumes of his love for you. That's how you comforted yourself.

And so the night ended, you and Boromir going off to your honeymoon in Ithilien. As the horses carried you away, the stars seemed to wave and sparkle in the midst of all that was good.
...................... One month later ........................

The newness of marriage still gleamed off of both you, just having come back from your honeymoon. Your smiles were radiant and life seemed perfect.

That is, until he got the summons.

Not a day after the two of you returned, Denethor sent Boromir off on a quest. Boromir said he had no idea how long it would take. As you helped him pack you remained silent, because you knew that if you spoke you'd cry.

"Please (Y/N/H)," he begged, "just say anything, I need to hear your voice before I leave."

"I'm sorry," you quavered, "I am just very nervous for you. What if you don't return?"

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