Faramir: Request

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This was requested by ThorinFiliKili_Bae imagine being the younger sister of Éowyn and Éomer. After the War of the Ring, your siblings decide to throw you a surprise birthday banquet, and Faramir has to keep you distracted till it starts...

"Wake up!" Éowyn whispered, "it's time to get up!"

"Noooo," you protested, "it's too early."

She tugged on your arm, trying to move you.

"Is it too early to see your best friend?" she countered. At those words you perked up.

"What? Is he here?!" you asked in excitement, suddenly alert.

"Yes," she replied with a chuckle, "he's down stairs."

You stumbled from your bed, blinking and trying to look alive. Éowyn helped you pick out a dress and quickly combed your hair. Once she decided you looked presentable, she sent you out with a smile.

You could hardly contain your jubilance. You hadn't seen your best friend Faramir, since the War of the Ring. Fighting alongside each other, you had bonded and when he was injured you nursed him back to health.

It was a year later now, and boy were you excited. As you tried not to run down the stairs you tried to decide what to say to him.

Before you could decide, you were at the bottom of the stairs. There he stood, tall and dashing.

He was dressed nicely, but not too nicely. His hair was the same, as was the rest of him. His clear blue eyes were crinkled at the edges, and he was smiling.

"Hello, Lady (Y/N/H). How are you this morn?" he asked quietly.

Without even answering first, you rushed up to him and gave him a huge bear hug. He chuckled and returned the hug, and stepped back.

"What's all this Lady nonsense? And I'm quite good thank you. I trust you are well?" you finally answered.

"I am well, thank you. Even more so because I get to see you," he said.

You blushed and asked, "Me too. What are you doing here? Is there a special occasion?" you had figured it was because of your birthday, that you thought everyone else forgot.

He shook his head and you felt reassured in your assumption: everyone forgot your birthday.

"No, does one need an occasion to see their beloved friend? I simply have come by to spend sometime with you," he admitted, "so, what does my Lady wish to do today?"

You were mildly disappointed he didn't remember, but decided to make the best of it. You rolled your eyes at his use of Lady again and sighed, making him laugh.

"Well, my Lord," you emphasized, "we could go wander about and see what we find."

He grinned and offered his arm, which you gladly took.

"Alright then, let's be off," with that he led you out the door and down a long stone path. As you walked you both caught each other up on your lives. He seemed to be doing very well, and very busy. You in turn were also prospering, and you regaled each other of memories from the war.

"Do you remember that one fellow at Aragorn's coronation banquet who thought he could get away with scandalizing me?" you asked with relish, "everyone thought it was hilarious and chivalrous when you laid the smack down on him."

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