Elrond: Request

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I know it's long over due but...
This was requested by Twag53
Imagine being a mysterious rider/adventurer and one day finding an unconscious Arwen outside of Rivendell. You bring her back, and meet her father...

*Elrond's Point of View*

Wind whipped my hair about my face, and mist clouded my eyes so I could not see five feet in front of me.

The trees creaked and groaned, and the moon cast an unrealistic glow.

A fear deeper than I have ever felt surrounded me.

I felt I was drowning.

Desperately I tried to move, but an unseen force held me in place.

Suddenly, the wind blew the fog away from me. I realized I was standing in the entrance of Rivendell.

Away in the darkness of the trees I noticed a large shadowy figure.

As it came closer I heard the clopping of hooves. A sickly pale horse and darkly clad figure came into view.

They stopped close enough that I could smell sulfur and smoke.

"Who are you? And what is your business in Rivendell?" I called out.

There was no reply, just a porcelain white hand reaching out of the robe. It pulled back the hood, revealing a-"

I awoke with a start, gasping for air. Around me was absolute silence. Glad that it was just a dream, I stood and dawned my day clothes.

As I strode out into the common area, Lindir approached me. Worriedly.

"What is all the fuss, melon?" I asked, slightly nervous. He was not often ruffled.

"It's Arwen, my lord. She's gone missing," he replied.

My heart sank. Was there some connection to the dream?

"What do you wish to do now?" he asked as I headed for my office.

"Send out a few search teams, and ready my horse," I replied.

"Ready your horse sir? Are you sure?" he asked confusedly.

"Yes, now let's go. We mustn't waist time."

And they didn't. They searched high and low, near and far. But no one could find her. Normally, elves aren't ones to give up. But two months might make it seem like there was going to be no finding her.

Elrond was close to giving up. His hopes were low, as was not usual. After two months, he decided to stay home one day, as he had led the expeditions the whole time.

It was on this day, that he stood near the entrance to Rivendell.

Watching the sunset.

"Wherever you are," he prayed, "I hope you are well Arwen."

Suddenly, the wind began to howl. The sky grew dark and the trees moaned. It was then he remembered the dream. It seemed silly, but he stood and waited, even as the rain began to pour.

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