Thorin (pt.2)

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The next day, when you awoke, the sun had not yet risen nor had any of the others.

Sleeping had been hard that night. You had laid awake for a long while, thinking about the quest ahead and realizing how much you would miss the Shire. Even wondering if you would ever return.

Even still, thoughts of adventure had your head spinning, and after sleeping for only a few hours, you walked around the house saying your goodbyes.

You tiptoed over a few sleeping Dwarves to get to the fireplace. Making sure you were alone, you took down the portrait of your mother that was hanging on the wall.

"Mother, I must inform you that I shall be away for sometime," you whispered quietly, "but do not fear, I will not be gone forever. I hope."

With that you placed her painting back up and turned to your Father's, taking it down.

"I can imagine Father, that you wouldn't be too happy with your little girl exploring this big, wide world. But take heart, this little girl is ready for it. I'll make you proud sir."

Feeling sentimental, you carefully took a sturdy handkerchief out of your Mother's private chest, just to have something from home. As you were packing your nap-sack, you didn't even realize the figure standing in the side doorway.

He had heard what you said to the portraits and somehow it strangely comforted him, even though talking to paintings might seem weird or foolish. It reminded him of his private longing to talk to his father again. But no one knew where he was.

"He would be proud of you, no doubt," he said quietly, entering the room as you gathered your bow and quiver.

You turned around quickly, not thinking anyone had heard you. Behind you was Thorin Oakenshield, his hands clasped behind his back.

"Thank you, Mr. Oakenshield. I'm sure your father is proud of you too."

His face grew darker.

"I would not say that, and no need for silly titles," he answered gravely, "but my actual question is, would your father think you could handle this? We do not have time for members that take more than they give."

You narrowed your eyes and secured your quiver behind you, slinging your bow over your shoulders. You crossed your arms in front of you.

"If I thought I could not handle this, then I would not have submitted my contract," you said sassily.

He raised his eyebrows and stepped closer to you.

"I see. And what if your brother doesn't come? Will you suffer being the only woman on this quest?"

You thought for a moment.

"I turned over my contract mindful of that possibility. And I will not suffer. If I am dealt antagonizing from you or your men, then believe that I will deal it back three-fold."

By now, your tiny pride and anger had been kindled. As your mother always said, you were the hothead of the family. This display of putting yourself forward, assured Thorin that you would be fine. And, if he was honest with himself, he was impressed.

But he did not betray his thoughts. He merely grunted and handed you your contract that he had been hiding behind his back.

You took it gingerly and read the bottom, it held the signatures of Balin, and Thorin. There was no going back.

"Thank you, Oakenshield" you said, a smile lighting up your previously serious face.

In the early dawn, you looked picturesque, and he almost smiled. But he just nodded in your direction, turning on his heel out of the room.

Just before he exited completely, he stopped.

"We leave after a quick breakfast," he said over his shoulder.

"Ok," you agreed.

During the next half hour, as the sun came up, the other Dwarves prepared and Gandalf helped.

Just before departure, you asked him if you should wake Bilbo, but doubting you could as he was a heavy sleeper.

"No, I want him to wake and see us gone. It will be up to him if he follows or not."

You nodded, and quietly went and said what you thought was goodbye to your big brother.

Bofur called on you and with a light step you crossed over the threshold of your little home, under the hill. Without looking back, you mounted the pony assigned to you. The pony, named Poppy, moved in line with the others.

Just as you were about to leave sight of Bag End, you looked back.

The sun was shining behind it, the grass waving in the slight breeze. Memories flooded your senses, and you hoped Bilbo would come. With a deep breathe, you turned back around and little did you know, that that would be the last time in a long while that you would see your childhood home.

You journeyed in silence as the others began small conversations.

Bofur noticed you riding by yourself and brought his pony up near yours.

"Do you think he'll come, lass?" he inquired.

"I don't know," you replied thoughtfully, "I really hope he does. If I know him like I think I know him, he'll come."

Bofur smiled hopefully at you and turned back to the road.

Just when you thought he wasn't going to come, when you had reached the edge the South Farthing, there came the sound of heavy breathing and pounding feet. You turned and saw your brother running down the trail towards you.

"Wait!" he called desperately, "I signed it."

The train stopped and he handed his contract to Balin, panting. He looked it over and looked at Thorin. He nodded, and Balin smiled.

"Welcome, to the company of Thorin Oakenshield."

Bilbo smiled gratefully and Thorin snapped his reins, saying: "Get him a pony."

The train started moving again and Bilbo moved his pony beside yours.

When you tried smiling at him, he gave you a hurt look. 

"What?" you asked, "you took too long."

He shook his head, but relented and cracked a smile with a chuckle. A sudden look of despair clouded his face.

"Stop!" he yelled, "we've got to turn back."

"What is it?" you asked in bewilderment.

"I forgot my handkerchief."

You suppressed a laugh and bit a knuckle as Bofur tore off a piece of cloth from his saddle and tossed it to him.

"Here," he said, "use this."

There was quiet chuckling but you could probably guess that Thorin was brooding over the delay.

"What is his deal?" you thought quietly.

"What makes him so miserable?"

*To be continued in Part 3*

Well, what did you think? I love writing for Thorin 😊 I promise the Elrond request will be out soon. Byeeeee!


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