What They Like Most About You (All)

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Looky looky! It's a preference! I hope you enjoy 😊

The Hobbit:
Thorin: Your ability to make him laugh. As many have noticed, Thorin is generally a very serious Dwarf. However, whenever he's with you or thinking about you, he'll smile and laugh and become a different person. You really do light up his world.

Kili: Your grace with a bow. Among your kind, there is no one that can match his skill with a bow, except for you. On more than one occasion he has caught himself staring in awe at your excellence when you practice. This, combined with your sharp wit, has him head over boots.

Fili: Your imagination. Whenever he's feeling down or sad, you know just the thing to do to make him smile. He greatly admires your sense of creativity. This comes naturally of course, being a blacksmith's daughter.

Thranduil: Your mastery of music. Any instrument that is handed to you, you can play like that's what you were born to do. When ever he is stressed or sad or anything in between, your music has the ability to soothe his soul and warm his heart.

Bilbo: It's.... Your cooking! Surprise! Everyone knows that Hobbits love to eat. When you were younger, while Thorin worked at the forge, you were trailing the village baker learning everything you could. At campfires your skill rivaled even Bombur's, and this made you even more precious in Bilbo's sight. (See what I did there? Hehe) Though Thorin will say you got your skill from him, everyone knows he's to #majestic to tell the truth about it.

Aragorn: Your valor in battle. Fight through fight, your skill and courage to do what's right always shines through. He loves to see the fire of battle in your eyes, and know that your heart is pure.

Legolas: Your eloquence. It seems whenever a situation requires careful spoken words, you always know just what to say. You have a tongue of silver, and a heart full of love. Because without love, of course, prose means nothing.

Faramir: It's simple: your size. Since you are a Hobbit, you seem just like a china-doll to him. Curly hair, rosy cheeks, short stature. However, he does not doubt your courage and fierceness in battle. He tried to underestimate you once, but you quickly proved him wrong when you threw a knife that smacked into the wood right next to his pretty head.

Boromir: The way you work with horses. Growing up in Minas Tirith, it was rare to see horses or other riding animals in the streets. Only the steward had his express riders and they were few. So when he sees you ride into battle, or simply brushing your horses mane, he falls even more in love with your kind, and wild heart.

Éomer: Your love for things that grow. Growing up in Minas Tirith, there wasn't a lot of flowers. But when you went questing with your brothers for the first time you discovered many exotic flowers and plants and after that you couldn't get enough. Éomer loves to give you pretty or interesting plants just to see your face light up.

Frodo: Your knowledge of old and mysterious legends. Being an Elf, you know a lot about Middle-Earth's history. From tales of dragons to courageous kings and even small village stories, you never fail to capture his attention.

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