Elrond: Request

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25th Imagine! Woooh! This was requested by Twag53  :) Imagine Elrond is in love with you, but you don't think you are good or beautiful enough, until he proves you wrong...

Not only was the water wide, it was very much impassible.

You stared at the waterfall, powerful, and roaring. The infamous falls of Imladris never ceased to capture your attention. In fact, the beauty of the last homely home of the west drew you in, and you knew it was your especial home.

Being an Elf, nature and things that shine never escape your attention. However, it seemed as if you loved it more than the others. Instead of playing the harp or training in a weapon, you chose to roam the boundaries of Rivendell.

Deep inside, you knew it was because of how you felt about yourself. Looking at other female Elves and then comparing them to yourself, you didn't feel like one of Middle-Earth's most majestic inhabitants. Now, if you were honest, you didn't nearly measure up to the standards of Elvendom.

As a result, you chose to surround yourself with what you thought was breathtaking. Hoping, that you might somehow soak it up. You mostly dwelled in solitude, preferring the company of animals over most people. When you were at home, you chose to pour over books and maps in one of Elrond's many libraries, sometimes drawing passionately if an image struck you. Your favorite was a small, quaint nook tucked away from the main paths of travel in the great house.

Your cheeks flushed at the thought of Elrond, and your heart beat fast. The stately lord of Rivendell knew quite a lot. How could you not after living for several thousand years? His intellect and pure unadulterated kindness drew you in, much like the woods. He was really the only one you talked to. Sure the other Elves were nice, and even a few of them were acquaintances, but nobody compared to Elrond.

When you were with him, you weren't so self conscious. He would talk to you about history and your mind would be whisked of to far away places, places you one day hoped to see. Adventure danced in his eyes, his mouth turning upward with memory.

Deciding that you needed to render him in that frame of mind, you rushed off to do just that. When you reached your nook, you pulled out paper and began furiously scribbling.

Hours went by, and your scratching was shaping into a real work of art. Fancying Elrond, you dared to put a small heart embellishment in the bottom right corner. Absorbed in the task at hand, you didn't notice the door quietly open and close, nor did you notice the presence behind you.

You nearly jumped out of your skin when there was the sound of a throat clearing behind you. Turing around, you saw none other than lord Elrond himself. You stared dumbfounded for a second.

He wore an amused look on his face, and hint of... pleasant surprise?

Noticing your sketch was facing towards him, you quickly hid it face down in your lap.

"L-lord Elrond. I didn't notice you enter. How do you fare this morn?" you stuttered, trying not to sound like you were hiding something.

He gave you a small smile. "I am quite well, now that I've found you. But I must say, something is troubling me," after saying this, his face fell some.

Becoming quickly concerned for your friend, you jumped into action.

"Please, lord Elrond, if I can help please let me," you said gesturing to the seat across from you.

"Thank you," he said gently, sitting across from you.

"What troubles you, my teacher?"

He folded his hands on the desk between you, and looked you steadily in the eye.

"Lindir tells me that sometimes in the night, he hears crying. Heart wrenching, agonizing sobs," your breathe caught in your throat, realizing who it was, "and it concerns me greatly. You wouldn't happen to know who is so unhappy, would you (Y/N/H)?" His face wore the expression of one that already knew who it was.

Your eyes darted around the room, escaping his gaze.

"N-no my lord. I can't say I do," you replied shakily.

Your heart did another flip as you felt the soft touch of a hand on yours. Your head snapped around to see Elrond stretching his arm across the tabletop to have his hand rest on yours.

"Do not lie to me, (Y/N/H). I see a lot more than you know," he admitted, his eyes creasing in desperate concern.

Tears that had been building up in your eyes, threatened to spill over.

"I'm sorry," you choke-whispered.

"It's alright, but I wish you would talk to me. I care for you more than you know," he said stroking your hand with his thumb, "I think I know what is wrong. May I assume that you think little of yourself?"

"Yes," you whispered.

"And that in your mind, there are things more beautiful than you'll ever be?"

"It is so."

"Can I please plead with you, and say it is not so? In my time, I have seen a great many wonders, big and small. In lands near and far, and never, in all that time, have I encountered someone quite like you. Your quiet, peaceful soul is reflective of the very traits Elves admire most. The stars merely echo your beauty, their light shines brighter when you are under them. In my heart I know I shall never meet someone like you ever again, and it shall break under the weight of my love, if anything were to ever happen to you. So please, hear me out, and see your worth. The one that you were carefully created with."

Tears now ran freely down your face, a warm, overwhelming peace flooding your senses. Was it true? Did he love you, and did he mean it?

"Can I believe it Elrond? Can I believe you?"

He leaned in closer to you, and whispering he said:

"Yes. Every word."

You smiled weakly and shakily pushed the drawing across the table to him.

"Then believe that I mean every word I say. A picture, most say, is worth a thousand words. And with it, I return my love," you spoke warmly.

He looked fondly on the picture, and moved around the table to pull you into a tight embrace.
So? What did you think? I hope you loved it, Twag53 . I want everyone who reads this to know that you are beautiful, and that your worth is not defined by what the world has told you. Take care, dear readers. ❤️


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