Dreamer Part II (Thorin x Reader)

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This, as you may have guessed, this is the second part to Dreamer. Enjoy :)

Do you know what's short, injured, and red all over?


It's you.

You stumbled half-heartedly through the snow and across the ice, clutching your bleeding side.

The ground was slippery, but not with white snow.

The dark of night seemed threatening for once, the moon lighting only enough for you to see your hand in front of your face.

Even though the wolves you encountered were dead, their howls still rang in your ears.

Moving as quickly as your pain allowed you, you finally shuffled to the edge of the village. The name of which, you couldn't quite remember.

Once at the gate, a young man appeared between the slats.

"Village of Bree. State your business," he demanded.

However, all your energy was spent, and the only word you could utter was-


And then, nothing but freezing cold.

When you eventually opened your eyes, they were crusted shut.

Looking around, you found yourself in a nice little bedroom, with low ceilings. Quaint decorations on the walls, and in the corner, a small figure sat in a chair.

And that, was Bilbo Baggins.

"Well, we finally decided to wake up did we?" He asked nonchalantly.

You chuckled dryly as you closed your eyes.

"How did I end up here?" You asked in slight embarrassment.

"Well, I was tending my garden when a messenger from Bree came to me. They said a half-dead Dwarf asked for me," he stated simply.

"And what did you say?" you played along in amusement.

"I said: Well that's odd. I remember a very alive dwarf leaving my house not three weeks ago."

You chuckled at his rather dry sense of humor.

"You haven't gotten rid of me that easy, I am alive and well after all," you replied, wondering whether you were saying it more to convince yourself or him.

He raised an eyebrow.

"You are indeed alive, but well is another matter entirely," he replied incredulously. "You're quite the worse for wear (Y/N)."

You sighed and sat up feeling sharp pains in and around your rib cage. Wincing you took a sip of the water that sat beside you.

"Broken ribs I suppose? And I can definitely feel the concussion,"  you listed your various ailments.

"Correct, but you forgot about the part where your left foot is completely crushed," he added in concern, like a mother would. "You really took a hit on this one. What were you even doing (Y/N)?"

You had to think for a good long while.

"Well I remember a rogue warg pack, a cliff, and a little fall."

He snorted.

"Little fall indeed," he said sarcastically. "You're lucky a professional showed up to treat you."

He looked down at his feet.

"If I hadn't of called him, he said you'd likely be dead by now," he said almost emotionally, thinking about how he almost lost you.

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