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Imagine being friends with Pippin when you were kids and growing up together, always getting into mischief. And eventually, you get caught up in the War of the Ring.

"Run (Y/N) run! Don't let Farmer Maggot catch you!" yelled Pippin as you ran through the field.

You giggled as your bare feet pounded the ground, all the while trying not to drop the bag of potatoes in your arms.

In the distance you could hear the farmer yell in rage, making both you and your companion shriek with laughter.

Once you were safe in the woods, you both fell on the ground laughing.

"You're a genius Pippin, for pretending you were hurt to distract the farmer," you said taking out the taters to count them.

Pip gave you a cocky expression. "What can I say, I am a Took."

You rolled your eyes as you finished the count. 19. "What a haul! We're getting better!" You exclaimed.

When there was no answer, you looked up to see him staring at you.

"In my opinion, you're already the best," he said blushing a deep red.

You grinned at his shyness and walked over and took his hand. His eyes went wide with shock but you just continued smiling.

"Come on, follow me," you said softly.
When you started walking forward he didn't hesitate, and when you started running he followed suit.

You led him to the nearest hill, and with the sun setting you plopped down in the long grass.

He sat down beside you, awkwardly sliding closer to you.

"What're we doin?" He asked quietly. You smiled and pointed at the sun. He smiled back and you laid down in the grass together.

The evening air was invigorating, and the grass cool. You were both just 16, your heads filled with dreams and a future in that fading sun. Nothing and no one could stop you from feeling young, and in love.

Little concern and little worrying went into the planning of your days, and unbeknownst to you the Hobbit next to you planned on making you his someday.

He reached over and took your small hand. You sighed contentedly.



"I love you."

Some 7 years later you two were still together. Your group had grown to include Merry, his best friend, and Sam and Frodo.

It was a beautiful day once more, the sun shining and you three up to your old tricks. It was also three days after Bilbo's 111th Birthday, from which he had mysteriously disappeared.

It intrigued you, and you wondered what had happened to send Bilbo on his way, and at his age.

You pondered these things as you ran through a field with Merry and Pippin, your arms filled with carrots.

Suddenly, you ran into Pippin as he abruptly stopped, falling into a big pile of people. Except now, there were 5 of you.

Once you all stood up and dusted yourselves off, it became apparent who the new comers were.

"Look Merry, (Y/N/H), it's Frodo Baggins!" Pippin exclaimed.

Indeed, there stood an annoyed looking Frodo with a wide eyed Sam right behind him.

Sam noticed the produce in your arms and yelled, "Hey! You've been stealing the Farmer Maggots crops!"

"It's only a little bit,"reasoned Merry. Just as he finished speaking the sound of distant shouting and dogs baying filled the air.

This inspired you too run, and the whole group coming along with you. You ran as fast as your little Hobbit legs could carry you, and just as the barking became quiet and you thought you could relax, you fell down a steep hill. Followed by the four boys.

You all landed on the ground with a hard thump, groaning as you sat up trying to get air back in your lungs.

Before you could get up, Pippin was standing in front of you, holding out a hand.

"That was brave, my lady," he said as he helped you up.

You smiled and blushed, the rest of them looking disgusted.

"Mushrooms!" he shouted, looking over your shoulder.

You rolled your eyes as they jumped to get them, the only one beside you was Frodo. He shook his head and looked off into the distance, down the road.

Seconds later, a shrill shriek filled the air, making you cringe.

"Get out! Get out of the road!" Frodo yelled.

A panicked look came over all your little Hobbit faces, and you jumped over a small ledge, just under a tree root and out of sight of the road.

You tried to slow your breathing and relax, but the sound of a horse slowly clopping by made your heart thump.

The evil in the air almost made you sick.

Clanking metal rang in the air as whoever it was approached. You held your breathe and closed your eyes. All kinds of nasty, crawly things were on you. Pippin's hand clenched yours tightly.

Almost as soon as it was there, it was gone, the evil steed galloping off into the Shire.

After awhile, you dared to climb out.

"What was that?" Merry asked, no longer joking.

Frodo stared off down the road.

"I don't know, but we have to leave," he replied.

"Where to?" Pippin interjected.

"Bree, I will explain more later," Frodo stated solemnly.

Merry returned the nod, "Bree. Let's go."

As everyone started walking, Pippin held you back.

"What is it?", you whispered quietly, "we have too go. We have to trust Frodo."

He looked scared, and confused. "I want you safe, I want you to go home. I-I can't risk losing you (Y/N/H)."

You sighed, taking his hand. "I can't leave you Pip, I have to come. You know that I can't stay away from this, it could be an adventure! And I do not wish to be parted from you. Who knows how long you'll be gone? I will not be able to wander around the Shire alone, always wondering when you'll return," he smiled faintly as you continued, "I love you Pip."

He smiled broadly. "I love you too, (Y/N/H). Let's go."

With that you ran to catch up, hand in hand.

Little did you know what you dragged yourself into. But with your love and your friends by your side, anything was possible.

For love, conquers all evil.

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