Criminal (Legolas x Reader)

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This character was requested by TheSceneBeane  Imagine being an assassin for someone whom you haven't met, or know anything about. Your objective? The inner workings of Mirkwood...

"Not all that glitters is gold..." but these coins sure are! You thought excitedly. The mysterious caravan was almost out of sight now, the black carriage glared against the setting sun.

The man inside, wore cloaks of black. He would not reveal his identity, or his intentions. He only desired information.

That is where you come in.

Being apart of the Night Guild, it was only your job. And it was the biggest one you had yet. Some say that the Night Guild are thieves, and traitors. Belonging to no country, or any just ruler except your own consciences.

And that's the way you liked it.

No one to answer to, no loyalty to anything except the things you could pick. You come and go as you please, being free to see anything you want, anytime you want. Some would call you wild, unruly, and ghastly.

"And they couldn't be more right," you thought smugly.

As soon as the carriage was finally out of sight, you turned on your heels and walked to the edge of the woods. Giving a long and low whistle, you called to your faithful mount.

It may have seemed frightening to others, but to you he was the most magnificent creature of them all. Aiden, as you called him, was a very fitting name. For his mane shone of that which is flame, and his roar ignited fear in the hearts of those who opposed you.

You only smiled however, when he emerged from the trees, his eyes shining and wide. As you mounted the tall lion, nothing held back your excitement for the journey ahead. Well, that wasn't completely true. The only qualms you had weren't common.

It wasn't the terrain, for you knew the Forrest of Mirkwood well. It wasn't the monsters, your skill in killing them was excellent. No, it was only the people. Or elves, as they are actually called. They held a certain mystery to you, especially this group.

Being an elf yourself, you had never conducted a mission on your own kind.

You gulped in air, swallowing your fear, and patted the soft mane below you. The only place to go, was forward.

Three days later

The sun was once again settings as the strong paws below you padded quietly into the realm of Mirkwood. Right away, a feeling of dread descended on your psyche.

So the stories were true.

The once beautiful forest of Greenwood had turned ugly and brown, hence the name Mirkwood.

Many said there was terrible evil that corrupted the forest. Giant spiders, descendants of the evil spirit in spider form, Ungoliath. What really scared you though, was the King.

Thranduil was said to be a very cold and calculating elf. Very unforgiving, and very hateful of trespassers.

As you meandered through the forest you made sure to stray from the path. No light shone, but you still didn't want to risk capture.

It took hours, but you finally found it. The entrance to their sickly domain.

Strangely, it was wide open.

Immediately this threw you off, what if they knew you were here?

So in solution, you decided to retreat back into the forest, where you found a secluded stand of trees surrounding a small clearing.

This is where you made camp, with no fire. Fire was for fools.

Aiden sat by your side, calmly licking his paws. You looked on the beast with affection. He had rescued you from certain death as an infant.

Very considerate, considering he was king of the Lions after all. The last of his kind actually.

While lost in thought, you failed to notice the eyes peering at you from the trees.

They flickered with a fire all their own.

Slowly, he drew his bow back. The gleaming tip aimed for your neck.

Suddenly, Aiden's head snapped around, his eyes searching for the watcher in the trees.

Quietly he began pacing, which drew your attention.

"Alright, come on out," you called. "I've been at this a long time. We can either settle this fairly, or my friend will  do it for me when he rips your throat out."

There was chuckling , but it seemed to be coming from all around.

"That would be unfortunate, considering I have the thing that you want," offered the voice.

"How do you know what I want?" you asked incredulously. "It's definitely not you sweetheart."

He laughed aloud this time, and it rang through the trees.

"On the contrary, I am what you want."

A sudden chill ran through your body. If he was indeed what you wanted, that could only mean one thing...

"My dear Prince Legolas, you make assumptions too quickly," you answered the now not so much a stranger.

A figure back flipped into the clearing, and you howled with laughter. You didn't even reach for your weapon, Aiden was going to rip him to pieces.

However, when Legolas landed the jump, (perfectly I might add) he continued to go unscathed. You looked in utter confusion to Aiden who sat stoically now, watching the other elf. The prince began walking towards you.

It was then you drew your bow.

"Not so confident now are we?" he asked in amusement.

As he got closer you began backing away.

"I wouldn't advise killing me," you warned him as calmly as you could. "I have friends who will look for me."

He looked your attire up and down. And expecting fear as you're used to seeing others express, he just seemed-


"If you are who I know you are, they will not care enough to attempt trespassing, as you have," he answered matter-o-factly.

His words stung, because you knew they were true.

But you didn't portray it.

You looked to Aiden, who was as calm as ever, wondering what in the Dunedain he was doing. Considering that Legolas was now stocking you around the circle.

"So I guess this is it," you said stoically. "I am finished."

"Not quite," he chuckled.

You were completely baffled at the explanation. That is, until you flew to the trees, ropes entangling your body tightly.

You struggled and writhed, but to no avail or help from your "friend".

Legolas leaped up beside you, and your eyes were wide.

He smiled endearingly as he put a rag over your mouth. His piercing blue eyes sinking into yours.

"We don't kill criminals" he said. "We take them prisoner."

Those words rang in your ears, as the forest slowly sank into black.
So, what'd ya think? A part two?😉 See you in the next chapter! Look for a Thorin follow up soon.

Love, TheAvenged

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