Choosers Ball (Kili/Fili/Thorin x Reader)

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So this will be different, but imagine you're at a ball after Erebor is reclaimed and Fili, Kili, and even Thorin are vying for your attention. In the end, there'll be different endings to choose from. Enjoy!

Your eyes swept across the sea of elegantly dressed Dwarves, searching for that one, your best friend.

Seeing Bofur, you smile and make your way across the room, your ballgown rustling the whole way. Stupid thing.

When Bofur turned and saw you, he grinned and beamed at you.

"My dear (Y/N/H)! It's a wonder you don't have an escort this night, or many for that matter."

You just laughed and punched him in the shoulder.

"Thank you very much my friend, but we both know that wouldn't happen. My overall awkwardness is too much for any man to handle."

Bofur smirked and winked.

"Are you so sure about that?" he asked with a laugh in his voice.

You creased your eyebrows in confusion. "What do you mean?"

At just that moment you felt a light tap on your shoulder, and you turned to see Kili.

He did look rather dashing, you must admit. He flashed you his famous boyish smile.

 He flashed you his famous boyish smile

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You couldn't help but smile back. "Hello, Kili. What can I do for you?"

He smiled politely and bowed.

"Seeing that no one has asked you to dance yet seems like an all out crime. So please, may I have this dance my lady?"

You chuckled at his attempt be smooth, but decided to humor him. "Oh, I don't know. Bofur? Should I dance with troublesome Kili here?"

Bofur thought for a moment before nodding. "Oh I suppose, as long as our prince decides to be a perfect gentlemen."

Kili nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! Yes I promise!"

You smiled at him and as you stepped forward and took his offered hand, him leading you to the floor. At that time a waltz began, and Kili turned out to be a surprisingly good dancer. He amused you by making faces at passing couples, you trying not to laugh hysterically.

Little did you know, that Thorin and Fili sat some ways away, each silently brooding that they weren't the one dancing with you. Though the two wouldn't guess it about each other, they both liked you quite a bit.

"Look at the boy, he's making a fool of himself," Thorin confided to his nephew.

Fili nodded, lost in his own thoughts and daydreams.

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