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Imagine having just been married to Aragorn and learning something devastating... but you get through it. Warning, it contains a very sad issue. But it is real and this imagine is dedicated to those have been through it, I know many who have.

It was a beautiful morning.

Orange sunlight streamed through the windows and glowed on the ancient white washed walls. There was a slight chill in the air, hinting at winter coming soon.

You stretched in your bed, your side still warm. You looked over to your husbands side, it had long been empty. You smiled, touching his pillow.

It had been three months since you married the King of Gondor, Aragorn. But you liked to call him Strider. It brought a smile to his handsome face.

When you first met him, it had been when he still a ranger. Together you both were on the journey to destroy the Ring. Through it all, his courage, hopefulness, and kindness to others that might be considered beneath him, won you over. Your warriors heart, your passion for justice, and your compassion caught him quick. Your beauty and grace were just an added bonus.

After the whole war, after it was all said and done, he proposed to you. That is, in front of everyone at his coronation. Of course you said yes, and when the cheering sided down you searched the crowd for your friends. The Hobbits were smirking, Legolas smiling, and Gimli whistling. Gandalf smiled and kissed your cheek.

Not one week later, the two of you were married. Underneath the white tree of Gondor. Everything since then had been like a dream.

These thoughts made your very heart smile as you finally stepped out of bed to get dressed. Aragorn was off on some meeting. Valar knew that man was busy. He had been for awhile, and he had been a might stressed.

However, you had an idea of something that might make him ecstatic. For about two weeks now, you had the feeling that you might be pregnant. It was possible, and you knew how much he would love a child. The two of you had talked about it a lot, and even had names picked out.

So today, you would head down to the house of healing, and see if that was indeed true. After putting on a simple sky blue gown, you walked the streets, unafraid and willing to talk to your people out in the open. After visiting with a few people, you finally made it.

When you told the nurse your feeling, she laughed in joy. She was overjoyed that the kingdom might have a possible heir on the way.

Then she sat you down and checked you out. Everything was fine until she had you drink a certain broth. This broth, laced with special herbs, was supposed to make you feel a certain way if you were pregnant. However, it made your stomach hurt. Badly.

As you lay there clutching your aching stomach, she frantically searched for a book that had an answer for what it meant.

When she found it, she did a double take. You tried to ask her what was wrong, but she only mixed a new broth. After drinking it, your stomach calmed.

"Now," you asked cooly, "what is going on?"

She sat beside you and took your hand.

"My Queen, this won't be easy to hear," she paused, swallowing, "I am afraid, that you are barren."

Your heart dropped instantly, beating hard in your rib cage.


"According to this book of ancient medicine, that first specific broth should've made you feel full if you were pregnant, normal if you weren't... and barren, or incapable of having children, if it hurt."

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