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This is another imagine idea by TheElkMaiden :) Imagine getting captured with Merry and Pippin, but Aragorn, your fiancé, thinks you went with Sam and Frodo. When the three hunters find the ash pile, with your daggers in it, he loses it...

"Over here!" you yell, waving your arms frantically.

You were standing with Merry and Pippin, trying to draw the attention away from Frodo, who was running for his life. Orcs had suddenly attacked The Fellowship along the Anduin river, and it had not gone well. Legolas, Gimli, Aragorn, and Boromir were up the hill a ways, fighting other Orcs. Boromir had fallen.

The Orcs, seeing two halflings and you, started chasing you up the hill and away from Frodo's direction. You cast one last glance at Frodo who looked at you with teary eyes. It was not long after you began, that you were caught. The Orc that caught you, kicked your legs out from under you, sending you crashing to the ground. Your head hit a rock, rendering you half conscious as Pippin and Merry screamed for help.  The Orc picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. Before losing complete consciousness, you whispered a prayer. Then you saw nor heard nothing more.
Tears filled Aragorn's eyes as Boromir, Son of Gondor, took his last breath. Out of the trees approached Legolas and Gimli, looking forlornly upon the scene in front of them. Boromir's eyes closed and he departed to that world in which all true warriors end up.

Silently, they took up his body and bore him down to the river, settling him in a boat. They placed weapons of the foes that he fell at his feet, his sword in his hands, his horn at his side, and his shield over his breast.

As they pushed him off down the river, Aragorn and Legolas sang a song in remembrance of his courage and a testament  to his bravery. After all had been silent for a while, Gimli cried out in despair.

"Then it was all in vain. The Fellowship has failed."

Aragorn looked at the boats, noticed one was on the opposite bank, and turned back to his friends.

"Not if we hold true to each other," he said as he clasped each man on the arm, "we will not abandon Merry and Pippin to torment of death."

"What about (Y/N/H)? I do not know where she is," Legolas inquired.

Aragorn looked across the lake, feeling hopeful.

"Her fate is now tied to Frodo's, and Sam's. We can only hope that they are successful."

Legolas looked doubtful, but nodded.

"Come, while we still have strength left. Leave all that can be spared behind. We travel light,"

He paused, looking each friend in the eye, "Let's hunt some Orc."

With racing hearts, they sped off in the direction the Orcs had gone. For days, they chased after the Orcs. They had little rest, and though the two mortals were tired, they hardly stopped running. All the while, Aragorn's thoughts were stayed on you. He dared to hope that you, his beloved, his betrothed for that matter, would be in his arms once more. He prayed to high heaven that you had gone in the direction he thought you had. And late at night, when the stars shone over head, he looked at them and wondered if you saw them too. Doubt began to set in his heart but he couldn't explain it. After they had spoken to Éomer, third captain of Rohan, he knew something was definitely wrong.

They went off in the direction Éomer had sent them, and Legolas remarked: "A red sun rises, blood has been spilled this night."

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