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Imagine becoming the best friend of Faramir during the War of the Ring and during the last battle you become injured. He finds you afterwards and he admits something he was afraid to admit before. Enjoy!

Needless to say, it had been a long three days.

The journey from Rohan to Minas Tirith had been a long one. All because Pippin just had to look in the palantir, and now Sauron thought that he had the Ring.

So off to Minas Tirith it was.

Once there, you stood outside the Citadel doors while Gandalf and Pippin talked inside with Denethor. Moments later they stormed out. Gandalf, looking very angry .

"What happened?" You questioned while walking faster to catch up with them.

"Mr. Peregrine Took decided to pledge his allegiance to Lord Denethor after I expressly told him not too say anything" Gandalf said vehemently.

Pippin glanced at you guiltily, but you gave him a small smile, seeming to encourage him.

"We are off to get his armor, you may explore the city but be back at our quarters by nightfall," Gandalf advised.

"Yes, of course. See you all later." With that they left.

So there you found yourself, in a market in Minas Tirith, alone. Since none of the shops were open and you were as broke as Gimli's axe, you sat down on some steps in a shady corner.

You looked around at how few people remained in the city and it made you sad, it also made you think of Boromir.

He had talked so grandly of his beloved city. How the banners looked when they were blowing in the wind. How he knew that the white tree would one day bloom again, when the King returned. It brought tears to your eyes and you laid your head in your hands.

Suddenly, a voice sounded from in front of you.

"Why do you cry, fair maiden?"

You looked up to see none other than Captain Faramir, brother of Boromir.

"It is nothing my Lord," you replied looking down.

Recognition crossed his handsome face. "Lady (Y/N/H)? I did not know that you came with Gandalf," he said sitting down beside you, "now tell me, what is wrong?"

"I was just thinking of how fondly Boromir spoke of this city. And now it is desolate. What if we don't win this time? What if it's all over?"

He didn't say anything, he just held out his hand, and you surprised yourself by taking it.

"Do not admit things that you do not truly wish to come true. The battle is not yet over, and we are still breathing," he spoke softly, "So dry your tears and hold your sword high."

You turned to give him a small smile and he used his free hand to wipe away a stray tear.

"Always poetic, even when the age of men is on the brink of destruction."

He smiled at your remark. "What else did you expect? I am related to Boromir."

You smiled and he put his arm around you, you resting your head on his shoulder. In the next few days you two spent a lot of time together, talking of everything and anything. Just before he left the city, he sat you down and had a serious talk.

"(Y/N/H), I'm asking for your sake to stay in the city when the fighting happens."

You looked at him like he was crazy. "You must be joking, were you not the one who told me to hold my sword high?"

The moonlight glinted off the small tears in his eyes. "I am not joking, there are important reasons for you too stay safe," he said as he put his hands on your shoulders.

"What might they be?" you replied quietly, your heart racing, "tell me."

"If I did, I might not be able to stop."

He enveloped you in his arms and you breathed in his smell, leather and campfire smoke.

"Promise me you'll come back alive." You asked, your head resting on his chest.

"I'll try. Promise me you'll do as I have asked you."

"I'll try."

It broke your heart when Faramir was carried back into the city days later, severely injured after a suicide mission commanded by Denethor.

This and encouragement from Gandalf drove you to fight, and fight hard. Not listening to Faramir, you threw yourself into the battle. Your courage went down in Gondor's and Rohan's history, as you were the sister of  Éomer and Éowyn. Nearing the end, you were injured, almost to the point of death. You had been stabbed in the gut, and have been passed out for 3 days.

The first thing you heard when you woke up was light snoring beside you. You looked over to see a barely recovering  Faramir sitting beside you.

"Faramir! Faramir wake up!"

He jumped, but smiled when he saw you. However it turned to a concerned frown when you tried to get up and failed.

"Lay down, you took a heavy blow my dear," he said, sad anger in his eyes,

"So did you," you said returning the look, "I thought I told you to come back safely."

An inquisitive look came over his face. "And I thought I told you to not go into battle, but I hear you were on the front lines."

You paled, the memory coming back. "Yeah, seems like I don't listen very well," you said trying to lighten the mood.

He gave a small smile and chuckle at your attempt. "So I've noticed."

You smiled in return when he took your hands in his.

"Now that we are together and our part of the fighting is through, I must tell you something (Y/N/H)." He said nervously.

"Is it what you said you wouldn't be able to stop?" you questioned, remembering that night under the full moon.

"Yes," he said, "and I won't stop, not for the rest of my life."

"And what is it?"

"I love you."

With that, he leaned in and carefully wrapped his arms around you, his hand holding your head.

And so he kissed you, and you wrapped your arms around his neck.

He pulled away, but still held you in his arms.

"Did I prove my intentions?" he whispered.

"I thought you didn't intend to stop," you answered, smiling.

He grinned, pulling you in again.

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