What A Tease (Thorin x Reader)

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I cannot for the life of me remember who requested this, but I hope y'all like it! Imagine that you're courting Thorin, but during the quest for Erebor. One day you decide it might be funny to kiss him on the cheek in front of the others... let's just say it backfires.

You yawned as the smell of campfire smoke broke through your senses. Stretching, you stumbled over to the fire. Birds tweeted, and the morning air made you happy to be alive.

"Good morning miss (Y/N/H)," Bombur greeted, "hungry?"

"Yes," you replied, "very."

"Good!" he exclaimed, "I have eggs over easy, just how you like them!"

You smiled, "thank you very much Bomber!"

He smiled and turned back to his work.

So far the Company had endured a lot. Torrential rains, trolls, and Thorin's grumpy moods.

You didn't know how to prevent the first two, but the last one you were figuring out. As you sat and ate your breakfast you thought about how to do this.

Thorin came and sat beside you, and eventually the rest of the team joined.

"Hello dear," you greeted, giving him a light peck on the cheek. Not even thinking about it.

His face which was normally stoic, turned the brightest shade of red you'd ever seen. There were a few snickers among the men, so you decided to mess with him.

"Is something wrong hun?" you asked concernedly, giving his shoulder a squeeze, "did I embarrass you?"

"No," he said looking straight ahead, "but please don't do that."

A couple Dwarves ooohed at Thorin's rejection.

"Sweetheart did I upset you? Well don't worry," you said standing up, "it won't happen again."

Just before you began to walk away, you leaned down and kissed him on the cheek once again.

Now there was all out laughter, and you just chuckled as you walked to roll up your bedding. An hour later everyone was ready to go, and the ponies were loaded up. As of late, you preferred to ride in back with Bilbo. Honestly the Hobbit was very interesting, and it gave you no small amount of happiness to hear about their quaint ways. And in turn he loved to learn about Dwarven culture.

A few hours into a conversation, Bilbo changed the subject.

"(Y/N/H)," Bilbo began, "why did you do that to Thorin this morning?"

"Do what?" you asked nonchalantly.

"You know," he said exasperatedly, "kiss him? He was clearly quite embarrassed."

"I know," you replied, "But I figure he needs it. He is far, far too serious. Plus, it helps a relationship to have a little fun."

He looked at you sideways.

"Are you sure? He didn't seem to enjoy it very much," he countered.

"Well sure he did, he just likes to conceal his emotions. Here watch this," you said, making your pony trot forward quickly.

"Thorin!" you called out like it was an emergency.

"What?" he exclaimed as you pulled up next to him.

You said nothing, but leaned in and kissed his scratchy cheek.

"Oh nothing," you said riding back to your place, before he could say anything.

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