Take A Chance (Boromir x Reader)

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This character was requested by Twilightshadow-of-NC Also, first Boromir imagine! Whoop whoop! Imagine traveling with Boromir and being his companion to the council of Elrond. His own stubbornness gets the best of him...

"Come on," you asked once again, "you and I both know that we're going the wrong way."

The tall Gondorian man in front of you simply laughed.

"I am certain that I am right, and you are not," he protested.

You stopped your horse (Excalibur) in the middle of the path, crossing your arms.

"Boromir, if we continue this way we WILL run into Orcs," you informed him, "So please, can we go the other way?"

He turned his horse around and stopped in front of you.

"What's this?" he wondered aloud, stroking his chin, "the female champion of Gondor afraid? Why, it's almost unbelievable!"

You rolled your eyes.

"No, I am not afraid. I just wish to avoid trouble if we can," you told him tiredly, "it would be wise. But then again you wouldn't know about that."

He smirked cockily.

"I see. That's the difference between you and me, dear (Y/N/H). I take avoidable chances and have a swell time. You, however, take the safe route and remain an insufferable fuddy-duddy," he walked his horse closer to yours, "and since I am in charge, I say we will continue on our way. It is faster. To hell with the danger. Agreed?"

You huffed and clicked your reins.


Behind you he was smiling from ear to ear. A strained moment of silence ensued.

"And I am not insufferable, obviously," you argued suddenly, just as he expected, "if I was you'd have been rid of me a long time ago."

He snickered.

"I am obviously very well tempered," he admitted, "but you must remember, we ride together we die together."

At this you actually laughed aloud.

"I suppose so, but time and time again death has looked you in the face and left crying at your countenance," you quipped.

"Hey!" he protested as you giggled.

The rest of the day went by quickly, and night fell, wrapping you in a blanket of stars.

Quietly the two of you made camp, getting it done quickly and efficiently, as warriors do. Well, until the fire.

"We'll be fine, (Y/N/H). It's just a little blaze, it couldn't hurt," he reasoned.

"No," you said putting your foot down, "it will attract too much attention. Besides, it's not that cold."

He smirked at you once again, crossing his arms.

"Oh really? Then why are you shivering dear heart? I guess if you get too cold I can just give you a nice big hug-"

"Ok! Ok, I give in," you said, cutting him off.

He smiled triumphantly and proceeded to light the fire. Once a nice blaze was going you sat across from each other.

"(Y/N/H), can I ask you something?" he said after awhile.

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