Thorin (pt. 1)

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Imagine being Bilbo's sister and getting the chance to accompany the company on the quest to Erebor. 😊

"(Y/N/H)! Get the door before I burst!" yelled Bilbo, your older brother.

You sighed and set down the tray of food in front of a Dwarf with blonde hair, and a Dwarf with brown hair. They seemed relatively young and the blonde one, Fili, winked at you. You blushed and hurried away as he and his brother laughed. The 12 dwarves had just finished a chorus of  'That's What Bilbo Baggins Hates'.

It was actually very good, and you had to try really hard not to laugh. You were still giggly when you opened the door.

Before you stood a dark haired Dwarf, looking off into the night.

"Gandalf," he said in a deep, assuming voice. He turned to look at you and you laughed at his shock when he saw that you were not, in fact, Gandalf.

"Did you just assume I was an old grey wizard? Or do you greet all women like that?" you asked crossing your arms, but in no offense.

He nervously scratched the back of his neck. "I'm terribly sorry. Thorin Oakenshield, at your service," he said with a bow.

You blushed and chuckled as Bilbo and the rest came up behind you.

One of the Dwarves pulled you off to the side as Thorin began walking around Bilbo.

"So this is the Hobbit?" he said scrutinizing Bilbo.

"Ahem," Gandalf interrupted, taking you by the arm and guiding you to stand next to Bilbo, "these are the Hobbits."

Thorin's expression changed slightly when he saw you. "Are you sure about this one Gandalf?"

He nodded and smiled, "Indeed Master Dwarf, she'll be essential."

You looked at Bilbo in confusion and he looked equally as confused, maybe even slightly terrified.

"Weapon of choice: bow or sword?" Thorin questioned.

"I'm actually quite good at conkers, if you must know," Bilbo replied, snapping his suspenders.

Thorin looked slightly displeased and turned to you. "The same for you I suppose?"

You smirked at his assumption, once again.

"You keep assuming things about me, that is rather rude you know. And in fact, I prefer bow."

He raised his eyebrows in surprise, and everyone in the room who knew him well knew that he was trying to hide his embarrassment, but you didn't know that. To you he just seemed thoughtful.

"Indeed, my pardon Miss..." he trailed off.

"(Y/N/H), (Y/N/H) Baggins."

If you weren't mistaken, a look of disappointment crossed his features ever so briefly, but it quickly left and was replaced by that same stoney expression.

"Very well." He said spinning on his heel and heading towards the dining room. The rest of the Dwarves and Gandalf followed suit but you and Bilbo went to get candles.

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