Elrond: Request

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This was requested by Twag53 :) Imagine living in Rivendell, and being a warrior. Your captain, is Lord Elrond. One day you're out in the woods when you get captured by Orcs. Someone comes to the rescue... and just for the record (Y/N/H) means Your name here :)

"You train them extensively, my lord," Lindir observed.

He was watching the warrior Elves practice archery. Beside him, was Elrond assessing his soldiers.

"Thank you, my friend," he replied, "You know that even in peace there is still need for diligence and practice."

He nodded, observing the archers in comfortable silence. All of a sudden, a cheer rose up from down the line. He looked towards the source of noise and saw a she Elf surrounded by others.

She seemed to be shooting from some distance, the center of everyone else's target.

He was amazed by her skill and remarked to Elrond: "My, that is excellent shooting. Don't you think so, my lord?" He looked over at his friend and noticed he was staring in her direction. His eyes crinkled in the corners and his mouth was turned sweetly upwards in a smile. He seemed to not hear the question, but after a long pause he realized he was staring and started.

"Oh um- yes! Yes indeed, it is quite excellent Lindir."

His lifelong friend smiled knowingly and all at once made up his mind.

"It seems you fancy this one, no?"

Elrond tried to brush it off, but Lindir just gave him that knowing look that irked him so.

He sighed, rubbing his temple.

"Ok, ok. I concur, she does catch my eye quite a lot. I do wish that I could say something to her, but my words could never suit any of her great many qualities."

Lindir leaned against the railing, crossing his arms with a smug expression.

"It seems my lord is at a loss of courage for once in his life. I shall have to write this down, for it shan't happen again in this age,"

Elrond turned towards him and rolled his eyes in a most exasperated way.

"You're lucky you're my best friend, because if not you'd be sent to spider patrol in Mirkwood."

He laughed heartily and wiped a tear from his eye, sitting now with his friend on the railing. Once he had finished his fit of humor, he posed a question.

"Now, may I assume you've felt this way for a time? Maybe even so much so that you've gone and fallen in love?"

He looked softly at the ground, thinking.

"You may assume that."

Lindir smiled and rubbed his hands.

"Well then, you're not getting any younger! Go after her, there is nothing stopping you and no one would dare criticize your decisions. Not to your face anyway. Except for me of course, I get that privilege."

Trying not to laugh, he thought again. Feeling encouraged by his friends speech, he jumped to his feet, making up his mind at once. When she returned that evening from her patrol around Imladris, he would catch her after everyone hung up their gear. He'd take her by the hand and lay down his fears and pride, and talk about something other than the stars for once.

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