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Imagine you are the princess of a distant Dwarf kingdom, and you have been promised in marriage, but to whom you know not...

Nervousness hummed in every fiber of your body. Father never usually wanted to talk to you, but now you were being summoned before him.

You could probably guess what it was.

You had recently come of age, marrying age. And your Mother had warned you too be prepared, for your Father had plans to marry you off.

You approached the throne room and took a deep breath before entering. When your Father saw you approaching, he smiled broadly. That was unusual.

"(Y/N/H)! My dear, how pretty you look today!" he exclaimed, smiling broadly, "you get it from your Mother, you know."

You creased your eyebrows in surprise.

"Thank you, Father. I understand you wanted to see me?"

He chuckled. "Always one to get right to the point. But yes, there is something I need to tell you, and I think you'll rather like it."

Not wanting to upset him, you replied pleasantly. "I'm sure I will."

He stepped down from his seat and sauntered up to you, putting an arm around your shoulder. "Walk with me?"

You nodded, and began walking down the great hall outside the throne room.

"(Y/N/H), there comes a time in every royals life when they must make a sacrifice for the good of their kingdom. And yours, had come. Recently their arrived a delegation from Erebor. It has been reclaimed, and the nephew of King Thorin has been chosen as your husband."

Your mouth dropped open in shock.

"But father! I don't even know him!"

This had no impact on him.

"That is no matter, this arrangement has been made by myself and Thorin Oakenshield and it is final." he stopped before the doors of the dining hall.

"Now, be courteous and kind, and don't screw this up. This marriage means security and good relations for our people."

Tears formed in the corners of your eyes, but you stood straighter and tried to smile. It was for your people after all, and they meant everything to you.

"Yes Father."

He opened the doors, and you walked in behind him, keeping your eyes down.

"Gentlemen, it is a fine day. Thank you all for coming." he said in his booming voice.

Agreements and thank you's sounded through out the room.

"Now," he continued, "I would like to introduce my daughter, (Y/N/H) Palantine."

He stepped away from you and brought you forward. You shuffled into place and looked up. Expecting to see a bunch of old Dwarves, you were pleasantly surprised.

Before you stood the famed Thorin Oakenshield, and beside him, a younger Dwarf. He had brown hair and a round, almost boyish face. His eyes were wide, brown, and kind.

Thorin stepped forward. "And I present my nephew, Kili Durin."

The presumed Kili stepped forward, a small smile on his handsome face. He came up to you and bowed.

"Durin. Kili, Durin, at your service."

You smiled at the gesture, and curtsied.

"Palantine. (Y/N/H), Palantine. Delighted to be at yours."

He smiled wider and he seemed to never break eye contact with you.

You heard your father chuckle.

"Well, my daughter, why don't you take Master Kili for a tour around the kingdom? Me and Oakenshield need a chance to catch up."

"Yes, Father," you replied nervously, "as you wish."

Kili held out an arm and you took it, trying gracefully not to trip on your own feet.

Once you two were a ways down the hall when Kili was the first one to break the silence.

"So, do you come here often?" he asked inquisitively.

You laughed and nodded. "All the time."

He laughed and grew a bit serious.

"So, this whole marriage thing? How do you feel about it?"

You sighed and thought a moment. "I wish that Father would let me choose. But, if it is for the good of our kingdoms, I am willing to suffer you."

He paused, wondering if it was a joke. And when you cracked a smile, he knew. Not only that you were teasing, that you were his One.

It was fast, but it was something about the way you carried yourself. The way you so readily wanted to help your people.

"How do you feel about it?" you asked hesitantly.

He turned to look at you. By now you had reached a small library alcove, and he led you to a stone bench.

"Let me tell you, I've been far and wide. I've wandered for long nights and fought bloody days. The whole way I thought about getting home, settling my aching bones down, and falling in love," at this point he gently put his hand over yours, "And something tells me this might be my chance."

Heat rushed to your face as you dared to look in his eyes. They shown with sincerity and youthful light.

"Are you really willing to be my chance?" he asked quietly.

You smiled.

"Yes. And I do believe you're my chance," you whispered.

He smiled like he found a hoard of treasure. Then he took your hand and placed a soft kiss on its surface. You blushed like mad and laid your head on his shoulder. You talked for hours and hours until finally, you just drifted off to sleep.

Not wanting to wake you, he sat there and waited. He didn't wait long until his uncle Thorin approached. When Kili saw him he smiled and pointed at you excitedly.

Thorin chuckled and thought to himself, "Figures, he gets it from me."

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