Lets Meet Zoe✔

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Zoe's Pov                                               

I sat on my bed and cried for the hundredth time, daily routine if you ask me.

Oh how rude of me, I am the sixteen year old depressed adolescent called Zoe. I'm currently in the situation of ' The new girl in town' and everything sucks.

What am I crying for you ask? Well, the reason for today is *Drumroll*  my mother fails to acknowledge my attempts to please her and right now all I feel is like nothing I do is going to be good enough. So I sit here and cry my eyes out until I fall asleep.

One day I'll prove her wrong.....Won't I?

I mean we only just moved here, there's lots of opportunities. . but its hard to have hope when she's constantly downing on you.

Authors notes
I hope you like this I have recently started so don't mind the errors or anything I'll fix em later, if you have any questions feel free to ask in the comment section.
Vote!! Pwease?
This book is MINE btw do not copy my content, just letting you know its illegal 😂.
😘 I wuv you guys -Zoeee💕

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