Chapter 9 - Bye Bye Mother

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Zoe's POV

I screamed. Terrified. I was only in a tight shirt and some extra thin lace panties. But yet the last person I would want to see is looking at me right now. I thought I was going to faint.
I quickly pull down my curtain and jumped under my covers. 

Why does the world hate me?

I was slipping on some shorts when I heard the sound of a truck. My new car must be here. I learned how to drive before I moved here so it's not really a problem.

When I asked my mom she simply nodded and made a call. That simple.

I ran downstairs to discover a new SUV I gasped and thanked my mom she gave a tight smile and nodded I was going to give her a hug but she quickly moved to a side and went back into the house.


My face fell but I gladly accepted the key and went to test it out.

It was amazing, but when I got home all my stuff was at the front door.

I panicked.

"Mom?!" I yelled, the door was locked. "Mother!"

Then the door opened.

"Zoe I have tolerated you long enough. You're the spitting image of your father and I can't have that. It seems like a pathetic reason but I don't want to see your face. I can't stand you. I don't know where you will go and I could care less. Here is some money" she threw cash on me like I was some stripper " stay at a motel or something. I paid your school fee for the rest of your 5 months and that's nothing to be worried about now. Please leave me and my son alone." And with that she slammed the door in my face with a 'click'.

I turned around stunned and I dropped on the ground and started sobbing.

What did I do to deserve this?

I've been trying, I really have.

I cried harder.

Suddenly I felt a warm hand around my back and my head snapped up. It was Tray. And believe it or not I was so happy when I saw him even though he was basically undressing me further than how I was earlier. He was dressed in a white polo shirt and some knee cut jeans with a baseball cap worn backwards. Wowzers.

"Shhhh its okay. You're okay" he said. And I buried my head in his chest. "Do you want to tell me why you're sitting on the door step with everything you own?"

"My mom practically disowned me and kicked me out because I look like my unfaithful dad" I say with a humorless laugh

"Woah" he said. "Where are you gonna go?"

" I don't know" I whispered " I have no family here"

"Come live with me" he stated a little too happily

"What?!" I exclaimed

"Its not like you have any other choices" he said.

"What about your parents" his grin only got wider

"They wouldn't mind at all"

"Okay well I don't really have much of a choice so" he picked up some of my bags and I carried some.

This is going to be a hell of a night.

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