Chapter 26- Thanks Tray

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Zoe's Pov

Entering the house I see the one and only Courtney exiting looking seriously pissed, but as soon as she sees me its covered up with one of her sinister smirks.

"I hope he sues you for all you're worth" She whispers as she passes. She looks me up and down and chuckles slightly "Which is apparently, not much" She then walks out and slams the door. I flinch and walk straight into my bedroom. I strip and head into my bathroom and take a quick shower. When I get back out I scream at the sight before me and fall straight on my bum.

"Where were you?"

"I-I um, I went for a w-walk" I stutter pathetically.

"While I was on my bed because of something you did?" he practically yells and flinch while I stand up. I  look down at my hands and felt the tears prick the corner of my eyes. "Its only the first day of the relationship and I already regret it" He then gets off my bed and walks to the door slamming it behind him.

I slide to the floor, back to the wall. I let the tears flow and I hug my knees to my chest. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and I instantly look up to find Tray.

"I'm so sorry baby, I-I didn't mean it"


"I was just a little...hurt.. that you went to the park, rather than come see me when I needed you the most" he said his voice thick "I don't regret any of this, and please know this is not your fault." by this time I am full out sobbing against him. His t-shirt is soaked but he doesn't seem to mind while he runs his hand through my hair. 

Finally after minutes of cooing and hair rubbing. I calm down and Tray helps me up. towel betrays me. It falls halfway but I quickly catch it above my...area. To say I'm embarrassed is an understatement. Tray looks amused but his eyes are clouded with lust. I quickly wrap it securely around me and avoid looking at Tray. I walk around him into my closet and look around for my sleepwear.

"You have a tattoo"

Oh yeah...


"Did it hurt?"


"How old were you when you got it?" (A/N: I honestly can't remember the age...15?.)


"Its quite sexy" I blushed at his words and continue looking until I found a mid thigh length satin black gown with thin spaghetti straps. I choose a matching black Lacey panties and run into the bathroom. I change quickly and walk out.

"Uh babe you can g-" I look at him to see he has changed into nothing but a knee length Pyrex basket ball pants.

"Uh babe you can g-" I look at him to see he has changed into nothing but a knee length Pyrex basket ball pants

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My mouth dropped open at the Greek god before. I mean I've seen  a little bit of his abs but...Oh man. He looked up from his phone and caught me staring. His face broke out into this huge dimple showing grin before surveying me also then nodding. Almost in approval.

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