Chapter 7 - Comfortable yet?

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Zoe's Pov

It was finally time to get out of this prison. During lunch Chris, Nova and I spoke about random things and we really got to know each other.

After lunch, we exchanged numbers and promised to message each other later and that was the last I've seen of my best friends. It felt so good to say that..

I was currently standing next to Tray's Audi because he basically forced me to say yes to him driving me home and what choice did I have anyway.

I was waiting for quite sometime when I saw him coming towards me with some redhead who was practically attached to him. My heart felt like it fell out of its ribcage.

What did you expect he's your friend not your boyfriend.

He was smiling at something she said and she pushed herself up on him even more if that was possible. When he saw me his smile immediately dropped and he was basically prying the red head off his side.

"Zoe" he said in his husky deep voice. Damn. The way my name rolled off his tongue made me light headed.

"Hey Tray, you know if you're busy. I can always find a bu-" but before I could finish my sentence the red head spoke up.

" should do that" she said eyeing me up and down.

"Right" I turned to leave but he grabbed my waist and I gasped at the electricity of his touch. He gently put me in the passenger side of his car, went to his side and drove off. Leaving redhead looking like she was about to have a heart attack.

"You didn't have to do that" I mumbled quietly looking out of the window

"As if I was going to stand there and make that skank offend you." He replied coolly, but I stayed quiet.
After what I guessed was 5 minutes he pulled over and I look at him confused.

"I thought we were past this stage" he said, his jaw clenched. What made him so angry? Bipolar much?

"Huh?" I replied

"Why are you so quiet?"

I shrugged. I don't talk much unless I really feel comfortable.

He mocked my answer and said "Shrugging isn't an answer"

"Can you just drive so I can get home?" I say frustrated. He looked at me before rolling his eyes and starting the vehicle. Thank the lord.

After about fifteen minutes I was home. I said a quiet thanks and started walking towards the door until....

"Zoe wait" I heard him say. I turned around and looked at him expectantly

"I'm sorry for snapping. I just want you to be comfortable around me." He says with his puppy dog eyes and a pout. Wow... This boy is seriously adorable.

"I will get comfortable around you just give me sometime"

"Okay" he said still not going away "hug?" I giggle and went to give him a hug. I expected it to be awkward but it was just...comforting.

After what felt like hours we finally broke apart and said our goodbyes.

I sprinted into house up, the stairs and into my bedroom.

Oh Mr Harvard I'm falling for you. I hope you catch me when I do.

Gn guyss last update for the night 😥
Much love ❤

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