Chapter 6 - His lady thing

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Zoe's POV

For the rest of the day my heart was soaring, I mean who could blame me?
People were really skeptical when they saw Tray and I walking through the hall heading for the cafeteria. There were some really hurtful comments and Tray would occasionally drop a glare here and there but what did she expect him to do? Get into a fight for her? Pfft no....Maybe..

Anyway I was supposed to meet Nova inside the cafeteria and it wasn't hard to spot her. I turned to Tray to tell him goodbye and walked towards her, studying her features. She had that cute bright smile on her face and some freckles. She had a slim build but nevertheless she was beautiful.

Unlike you..

Oh shut up..

I had finally reached the table when I saw another female sitting there also.

Wait scratch that...A boy?

He had freakishly long hair and his body language were somewhat just plain.... girlish


"Zoe?" I hear Nova say. I was to busy trying to figure out the sex of this....person.

"Hey Nova" I say with a smile as I sat down. She eyed me making it known that she had spoken before my zoning out.

"This is Chris, I met him in Biology and yes he's gay" she said with a laugh.

I was right.

He is gay.

"Nice to meet you Chris I'm Zoe" I say politely while munching on an apple.

"O my gosh! The Zoe? As in Tray's new lady thing?" Chris said while dropping his milk dramatically

Woah woah woah?

Lady thing?


"No no no, I have no idea what you're talking about. Tray and I are just friends" I say with a shrug.

"Tell that to the pair of green eyes practically piercing into your back" he said with a laugh

I turn around and sure enough there was Tray, looking at me quite intensely...As usual.

I immediately turned forward, images of my past school memories coursing through and I felt myself biting into the apple harder.

I can't have a recurrence of what happened the last time. So with a deep breath, I pushed away all thoughts of Tray, and focused on the conversations help between my two new friends.

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