Chapter 11 - Friend zoned

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Tray's POV

I was just about to check on Zoe when I heard muffled sounds. She was crying. I sighed. It had been quite a long and eventful day for her and I could only imagine how she felt.

I stood there, by the door, just listening it had probably been five minutes and she was still going strong. I don't know why but, my heart felt heavy. Soo....

I gently pushed open the door and  to say I was shocked was an understatement




Oh...did I mention blood?

Dripping from Zoe's arm.

When she saw me she gasped, looked down and dropped the knife. She closed her eyes and lowered her arm.

"Zoe" I started to say

"Don't."She said curtly. Wait. Was she....mad? "This house is big, are you sure there aren't any other rooms?"

"Um..There's one down the hall."

"Why'd you make me sleep in your room then?"

"I just thought it would be more comfortable for you. Since you're new to my house and all" I say smiling sheepishly.

"Well I'm fine." She snapped as she wiped some of the blood on her jeans, grabbed her bags and strolled to the other room. Leaving me, with drips of blood on the floor.

Zoe's POV

I walked to the other room, slightly embarrassed. Man this was a long day.

I flicked the lights on and stopped in my tracks. Woah. It was amazing. I mean my room was pretty nice, but this? Just wow.

White walls with strips of gold, a huge king sized bed with pink sheeting (We'll change that later), a mac desktop, white tiled floors a window near my bed and a beautiful antique wooden closet.

I lower my bags and sat on the bed still looking around in awe when I heard a soft knock on the door. Oh boy.

"Come in" I said. The door slowly opened and in came Tray.


"Wanna explain?" He says looking at my arm. I sigh. I knew that was coming so I closed my eyes.

"What's my purpose on Earth? Its my first official day here and I'm homeless, unloved, and practically disowned" I say stifling a sob. "The world just came crashing down on me."

"Hey hey hey." He rushed out stooping in front of me "Look at me." I opened my eyes and looked at him. "You're not homeless I mean look around you this is now yours. You're not unloved because baby, I'm right here, and disowned? Who gives a fuck about that woman- whose - name- I - Don't- Know. I'm here for you. And also promise me you won't cut again."


He loved me?

I swear my insides turned into jello. And that promise? I can do it.

"I promise" I say confidently.

Lord I feel like a kid

"Good." He kissed my cheek and turned to walk out.

"Wait!" I called out. He turned around and looked at me. "You love me?" I asked boldly

"Of course you're my friend after all" he says with his full blown smile, but this time my heart went crashing down like a deflated balloon.

"Oh right of course. Friend." I laugh nervously.

"Yea. Anyway be down in like fifteen minutes dinner should be ready by then"

"Okay" I replied. And with that he walked out.




You're JUST a friend.

Well sure you idiot you guys just met!

I sighed and stripped off my clothes so I could go take a shower.

Today has been hell, but once again Tray Harvard just happened to pick me up.


Hey guys how was it?





Is the bad night over?

Where's Tray's mom?

Finddd outtt in the next chapter *winks*

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