Chapter 12 - Too Much

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Tray's POV

When I thought all the drama was over.

"Son your mother and I are getting a divorce."

What the actual fuck.

My heart started falling piece by piece. This...This is too much.


As if on cue, Mrs.Perfect walked in. As soon as she saw our facial expressions her face fell and she lowered her head.

"Tray..Im Sor-" She started to say

"NO YOU'RE NOT" I yelled "You know what. You wanna live your life so much, leave me here with dad, why don't you get going?" Her face filled with horror as she looked at my dad.

"You told him?!" She screamed

"Yes mom, he told me. And don't you dare scream at him you disgusting b*tch. You're not my mom" She flinched. Call me rude but I couldn't keep it in

"He told me how you wanted to go out there, discover new things, and not be tied down. How you didn't want a family and I was a Mistake." I looked at her with so much distaste and disgust she looked like she wanted to combust with shame.


"Well your wish has been granted. All I have ever wanted to do is please YOU. I have never been good enough. I was never worthy of your love. Dad and I would never be good enough we get it. SO YOU CAN LEAVE!" I turned her around by the shoulder and pushed her outside. "I'll deliver all your beautiful stuff to your house. Just message me the address, darling" I say with a fake smile while slamming the door in her face.

What is wrong with these grown a** women nowadays.

I expected Dad to look sad, disappointed but instead he looked proud. So I just shook my head and gave a sad confused smile.

"Um You guys okay?"

I turn around to find a very delicious looking Zoe in some shorts and a over-sized T-shirt. Her hair was in a loose messy bun and she was barefoot showing her nicely pedicured feet. I noticed that she had a nose ring at the end of her nose. Her mixed flawless skin shining and she had glasses on. Wow.

"Earth to Tray" My dad said with a knowing smirk. I roll my eyes.

"Yes we're fine. You heard everything right?"

"I- I didn't mean to I was just coming down the hall and I o-over heard." She said all too quickly

"No No its fine. It saves me from explaining" I say with a smile. Thankfully she smiles back. Its small, but I'll take it.

"Well then....I'm sooo tired" My dad says dramatically with a smirk. "I'll be going off to bed now...You kids have fun, the dinner is in the oven. Pizza anyone?" I roll my eyes. He walks over to Zoe and for a minute she looks scared. He engulfs her into a big hug. "Welcome to the family. I know it's early. hour early, but I never had a daughter, can I call you princess?"

"Dad" I say in a warning tone.

"Right right. Too soon I'm sorry." And he begins to walk away

"Wait!" Zoe says turning around. "Of course you can. I mean I never had A real dad, so this would be a new experience for both of us." His grin was so wide I expected his mouth to split.

"Goodnight" He said

"Goodnight." We both replied. Dad just chuckles and goes to his room.

"Hungry?" I ask coolly trying to remain calm from what just happened.

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