Chapter 40- Little Stick

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Zoe's POV

I've been feeling weird all day. My stomach is really upset and I've been vomiting a lot. Tray doesn't know though. Why? Because I feel like I'm pregnant! I mean it doesn't make any sense because well, we used condoms. And I'm on birth control. But when I looked it up, it said that the condoms break, and of course I knew that but jeez I'm on birth control. So now I'm driving to the pharmacy to get a pregnancy test.

If I'm pregnant, I really don't know what I'll do. Tray with definitely not know, no need to ruin his life even if it takes two to tango but still.

I park into an empty lot and feel another wave of nausea hit me. I hold my nose and tilt my head.

After I'm calm I step out and run into the pharmacy looking for the tests. When I found it, I waited impatiently in the line. I felt the peoples stare and heard their mumbling so I turned to raise my muddle finger at them. They shut up immediately.


Finally. I step forward and place the pregnancy test on the table. The lady eyes me and scans the item.


Jeez. For a little stick.

I hand her a fifty dollar bill and dash out. I sit in my car and look at the box in my hand.

Why are my eyes leaking?


Sitting on the bathroom floor waiting for the results is so irritating. The others went out for pizza. Well, minus Amelia and Jaden I haven't seen them, but I'm not worried. Nope that's the least of my worries.

Finally my phone alarm goes off indicating that time is up. With shaky hands and puffy eyes I stand up and slowly take the test.

One line!

I'm not pregnant!

I'm not preg-

I'm pregnant.

One line?

Two lines.

I'm pregnant.

Okay. Okay. Okay. This is happening. I'm pregnant.

I feel more tears prick my eyes as I think about the consequences.

I can't ruin Tray's life. Nope.

Tomorrow morning. I'm out of here.

Back to mommy I guess.


Sitting in bed as tray talks animatedly about his hatred for vegetables (Tonight its lettuce), used to be relaxing and amusing.

Now I feel awful. I'm already missing him.

"Its so bitter, I mean how do people eat that sh*t raw. And can-. Hey. What's wrong?"

"Nothing? Why?" I say faking a smile.

"You seem different."

Just dying. That's all.

"Just tired that's all" I reply.

"Okay well let's get some sleep yeah?"  I nod and we position ourselves to where his hands are around me. He falls asleep fast. But I can't sleep.

I'm so sorry Tray.


My eyes pop open. Its time. I jump out of bed and quickly start putting my clothes into a small bag. I'll be back for the rest later. Wait...where's Tr-

"What are you doing?" He asks and I jump. I turn to him and my eyes widen, but its not him catching me that makes them widen..its the thing in his hand.

That little stick.

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