Chapter 29- Friendly Comfort

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Zoe's POV

Have you ever been in that situation where you can't stop the words that are spewing out of your mouth because of that ridiculous amount of alcohol you consumed?

Well. Here we are.

"What do you mean you can't trust me?" Trays asks looking confused

"I mean, you go around telling Courtney everything! But I'm your girlfriend and you don't even tell me. Then you want me to 'Trust' you." I finish with an eye roll.

"What? What did I tell Courtney that you don't know?" He says raising his eyebrow.

"Oh don't play dumb with me. Your sister? You know...the dead one" the minute it comes out of my mouth I regret it. It's funny how you remember everything when you're drunk. I should drink before finals.


Not now!

His face blanches and he is wide eyed. His eyes turn glassy and his posture turns rigid.

"I-I, It's-I" he tries to say but he clenches his jaw and turns his gaze on me. I feel terrible.

"She's dead Zoe. Why would I just blurt that to you. Hmm? You think its easy to tell anyone that I was driving and if I just kept my eyes on the road I would've been able to miss the drunk driver? Everyone saying 'oh Tray it's his fault not yours' but they don't know the half of it. So Zoe. I'm so sorry if I don't want to tell the world that I killed my sister." He finishes glaring at me.

"Tray. I- I-"

"Save it. I was drunk out of my mind when I told Courtney. I mean why would I tell her willingly? But like I said. You. Don't. Trust. Me. We talked about this. And until you get over your little trust issues.... We're done." He then walks to the door and slams it shut.

I plop down on my bed and let the tears flow. Great job Zoe. See what you did. You and your pathetic insecurities.

Jaden's Pov


Can you believe the author gave me a point of view?!

Happy to see me right?


I see Tray exit Zoe's room and I take that as my cue to enter. You see, Courtney and I have been planning this since the day Zoe left me at McDonalds. I admit it, I shouldn't have told her that she was a bet but I had to. It doesn't make me a bad person. We planned to get Tray to break up with Zoe in return I go ahead and win Zoe back and Courtney gets Tray.

I walk into Zoe's room and she's hugging a pillow to her chest crying.

"Zoe?" I call out softly. She lifts her head and what I see breaks my heart. Her eyes are blood shot red and her face is pink. Tears stream down her face and she keeps shaking uncontrollably. I rush to her and wrap my hands around her. She doesn't push me away instead she puts her head on the crook of my neck and sobs.

I don't mind the tears that soak my shirt so I rub her back soothingly. I feel like my plan is working until she says...

"Thanks Jaden, but I feel like this is wrong" she softly pushes me away and sits upright. No!

"Its a friendly comfort Zoe nothing more"

"Okay.. Right" she leans back into me and I breathe a sigh of relief. I have to try harder.

"Um, would you like me to sleep in here with you?" I ask hopefully."just for tonight of course." I add quickly.
She seems to ponder it for a moment before saying

"I- okay..sure ." I smile widely at her and watch her get into the bathroom when she comes out she's where a T-shirt and some shorts. Her hair is in a messy bun and all her piercings are out. Good lord. What was I thinking?

She looks at me and smiles slightly and it takes me only a split second to realize,

I'm in love with Zoe.


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