Chapter 4- Leave me Alone✔

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Zoe's POV

I was so close to the door when someone grabbed my shoulder and I yelped in surprise. I turned around only to see Tray the one person I was trying to avoid.

"You left your schedule back there and I couldn't help but notice we are situated in the same rooms for all classes.'' He says with a smirk.

"Wh- what?" I say pathetically and I mentally slap myself for stuttering. "That sucks." I say with a little more confidence. He frowns and was about to say something but the teacher told us to get moving. I mentally thank the teacher and bolt out of there as quickly as I could but of course he caught up to me.

"Thanks for hurting my ego." He jokes while effortlessly walking besides me. All eyes were on us and I didn't like it. Not one bit.

"Look, you gave me a ride and I am extremely grateful, but from what I can see you're popular and I would like to stay hidden. So please go away, go to your friends, go anywhere else for all I care, just leave me alone." I say and without waiting for an answer I turn on my heel and walk away.

I felt guilty for talking to him that way, but I had to. I wanted to stay hidden, it was my first day and people were already spreading rumor s about me being
A) His new girlfriend/Fling
B) A skank
C) Poor (I didn't really care about that one)
D) Someone even said I slept with one of the high school teachers and all of them we're female so I assume they think I'm a lesbian. I scoff. This is all Tray's fault if he could've just stayed away.

You can't blame him though he gave you a ride.

I know. But still..

I make it to my next class to find to find it half empty. I take a seat in the last row and rip out my doodle of Tray. 

I had to get him out of my mind before it was too late.


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