Chapter 24- Cookies!...Cookies?

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Tray's POV

Zoe's my girlfriend. 

I could tell the world. 

I watch as she sings loudly to 'Fake love' by drake. Her voice is just amazing. Loose strands of black hair flow across her face as she drives and her fingers drums on the steering wheel to the song. Man it's only been an hour and I'm already whipped. We arrive at the parking lot and she turns to me.

"Done ogling? Its not wise to stare Mr. Harvard" Shit.

"Who said I was watching you?"

"Oh and Thanks I Know my voice is "Amazing" She burst out laughing and all I want to do is die of embarrassment. Talk about thinking out loud.

"Ha ha, don't flatter yourself."

"Its okay babe, I'll only sing for you if you like" She says with a bright smile and I think I'm about to explode with happiness.

"Yep, only for me." I reply seriously "Promise?"

"I promise baby" 

Damn, If I wasn't whipped before.

I climb out of her SUV and walk over to her side. I open her door and hold open my arms. 

"Hug?" I ask hopefully. Jeez I sound like a little boy asking his mom if he can get icecream after school.



Did she just tell me no?

"But why" I whine. I need some type of physical contact with her. Ever since the kiss it's been all I'm craving.

"Jeez Tray I don't want you to get addicted" she says laughing, if only she knew.

"But Zoe" I whine again.

"Fine Fine" and she opens her arms but I pull her on me causing her to wrap her legs around me.

"Tray" she whisper yells although the parking lot is basically deserted. "Put me down right now"

"Not until I get a kiss"

"But you said a hug"

"And now I'm saying kiss" I reply raising an eyebrow. She bites her lip and I swear its taking everything in me not to bite it myself.

"Don't do that" I growl.

"Do what?"

"Bite your lip"

"Oh I -" But my lip crashes on to hers pushing her against her SUV.  I cup her ass and she lets out a cute little moan. She slides her tongue into my mouth and I can't help but suck on it. We end our kiss breathlessly.

"Satisfied?" She asks with a little smirk.

"When I'm with you? Never" She giggles and I kiss her cheek.

"Meet you at home?" She asks.

"Oh yeah, I have practice but I'll be home soon." 

"Okay" She gives me a little peck on the lips, gets in and drives off.

I walk towards my car with this stupid huge smile. 

But it won't last for long. 

Some day I'll have to tell her.


I get home and to say "I'm tired" is an understatement. Coach insist we train extra hard because of the big game coming up and I've got to say its taking a toll on my body. I feel like a bus drove over me then reversed.

"Zoe?" I call out dropping my bags.

"Hey You're home" she says popping her head out the corner from the kitchen.

"I am" I say walking towards her. "What you up to?"

"Nothing. Just baking"

"Cookies?!" I practically scream. She jumps and looks at me wide eyed. I clear my throat and try to get back some of my dignity "I mean, you're baking cookies?"

"Uh..Yes" she says moving slowly still watching my wide eyed and I can't help but laugh. Really hard. "Um..babe..are you okay?" Man I must have looked like a lunatic.

"I'm sorry, it's just..your face" She glares at me and I just realized how that sounded. She turned around and continues mixing the batter.

"Come on, Zoe, I didn't mean it like that." I say, but she just continues stirring "I meant when I screamed and lost all my manism" She giggles and I get up to stand behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist. "Does that mean you accept my apology?" I whisper and she shivers. I smirk and tighten my hold on her.

"Dude, I'm trying to bake cookies here" She says laughing.

"Right Right My bad" I swipe batter with one of my fingers and smudge it on her face. She squeals and turns to glare at me. I smile at her and her frown slowly turns into a smirk.

Oh jeez.


"These are so good" I say biting into my..tenth? cookie.

"Damn, babe slow down" Zoe says eyeing the cookies then me and I chuckle. 

"Okay I'm done for the night."

"I have a question" She says looking down and fidgeting with her fingers.


"Can we keep the PDA minimum to none, maybe?" Ouch

"What? Why?"

"I just don't want to be seen with you" 



"NO NOT IN THAT WAY!" she says quickly" I mean to draw less attention to me. I love being with you, I just don't want to do I say...targeted."


"Remember when you first started school?"


"Who protected you?"

"Tray I don't want 'Protection', I want to avoid the need to have it"

"Fine. Whatever" I get up and storm to my room slamming the door. I remove my shirt and stand in front of my bathroom mirror. I place both hands on either side of the sink while looking into the mirror. My breathing was a little uneven, maybe from the storming. My cheeks were puffy and red spots were crawling up my neck. 


"ZOE!"  I shout as black spots blur my vision "ZOE!" The door slams open and Zoe come rushing in.

"Tray?" She says looking at me in concern. I begin splipping to the floor. "Tray what's wrong?!"

"Tray!" I feel a light pressure on my cheek before everything goes black and I'm numb.

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