Chapter 35- L Bomb

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Zoe's POV

"So...." I sound out awkwardly. Tray was staring at me and I was staring at him. We've been doing this for quite a while.

"So" he says folding his arm. I roll my eyes and get under the covers. I've had enough of this. "So your just gonna...what? Sleep?"

"Yes Tray. Doesn't seem like you want to talk." I reply calmly closing my eyes. I hear a sigh and I feel the bed dip.

"I'm a douche bag." He says and I snort.


"I wasn't always like this." He says mostly to himself and I feel myself grow interested.

I slowly seat up and face him.

"What do you mean?"

"After Emily's death...I just...I changed."

"Who's Emily" I asked confused and a little bit jealous.

"Oh right. My sister." He looks down and plays with his fingers nervously.

"I was barely 16." He starts off closing his eyes shut tightly.

" don't have t-"

"No, you need to know" I nod but realizing that his eyes were closed I whisper an 'okay'.

"My mom had to go to a work hosted party and asked me to pick Emily up from school. I told her I didn't fully know how to drive yet. I told her" his voice cracks a little at the end and it breaks my heart seeing him so....vulnerable. He takes a deep breathe and continues "but of course being the self absorbed person she is...she told me that I would be fine...just..great. And when I was driving back, everything did seem fine. Until a truck came out of no where...I..I tried to miss it..Zoe you've got to believe me I tried." When he reopened his eyes it held so much emotion, guilt being the most powerful one. They were glassy and pleading for me to understand, but I already knew it wasn't his fault.

I pulled him into my embrace with one hand behind his head and one around his back. I felt my shirt dampen as tears fell one by one until he broke out into full out sobs. I swallowed my tears and tried to remain strong for him cooing words into his ears.

"Zoe, she screamed. I....I tried to shield her but it was to late." He says sounding torn

My heart can't take this.

"She yelled and screamed for me, while I responded for her to stay calm. When we finally stopped, I heard nothing. I yelled and yelled her name over and over. Nothing. So when the ambulance arrived and I saw my sisters body..limp..on that stretcher.. I lost it. She was only six!" He yelled springing up. He paced the room pulling at his hair "it should've been me. Me! Not an innocent little girl!"

"Tray listen to me. If God wanted it to be you...he would've taken you. He needed his angel to work with him babe. We never know how, or when we're going, but's gonna happen. And it wasn't your fault. Thank you so much for trusting me with this.." I say grabbing both his hands. His eyes held mine, searching. He finally closed them and pulled me into him.

"I love you"




Guys its kinda short but I like it tbh 😊😄.

Tell me what you guys think.

He dropped the l bomb guys lort.

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Bye loviesss

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