Chapter 23-I'm Yours

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Zoe's POV

The rest of the day goes by quickly and before we know it, it's time to go home. 

"Finally" Chris breathes falling into step with me. 

"I know!" I reply "I think my brain is failing though"

"You had a brain?" He says faking surprise and I roll my eyes while laughing. We were currently making our way outside when we heard a commotion.

"What in the world" I mutter and Chris's eyes widen. "What? What is it?"

"J-jaden and Tray" he says eyes still wide. My mouth gapes and judging by the circular crowd this is a fight. 

Tray can't get hurt.

I need him.


Way to be a whore Zoe, you just moved on from Jaden.

I giggle at that thought and Chris looks at me quizzically. Never mind him I need to stop Tray. I push through the crowd but my 5'2 figure isn't really helping. When I finally reach the front Tray and Jaden are only exchanging colorful words but Jaden's nose is bleeding and Tray's lip is busted.

Oh boy.

"You think playing with her is funny?" Tray yells


So this is about some girl?

"Why does it matter to you anyway?" Jaden yells back "You have some crush on her but listen buddy, she doesn't want you, Zoe. Doesn't. Want. You"



Pfft right.

With that Tray launches for Jaden and I snap back to reality, flying forward. 

"Tray!" But he doesn't listen, punch after punch.

"TRAY!" I scream louder and he stands still. I hear the distant alarm bell from the school and I know its time to blast. "Tray take my hand" I say holding my hand out to him, but he just stares at it. "You idiot!" I grab his hand and pulls him towards my SUV. I drive off as quickly as I can, trying to avoid, students and some teachers. When we pull into the home parking lot I turn to face him, locking the doors as he tried to go outside.

"What was that about?"

"What was what about?"

"Don't give me that bull crap Tray, why were you fighting?"

"Wow you really are stupid."

"Oh I'm stupid? Says the guys that's fighting on SCHOOL GROUNDS! ARE YOU TRYING TO GET SUSPENDED?" I yell and he flinches "AND FOR WHAT? SOME STUP-"

"I WAS FIGHTING FOR YOU!" he yells back and I freeze.


"I was fighting for you"  he repeats quietly. Then he reaches out and unlocks the doors. He practically falls out and sprints to the door meanwhile I'm trying to process it all.



For me?

I slowly get out of the car and into the house. I find Tray against the counter, eyes closed, rubbing his temple.


"No Zoe, just forget everything I said or you heard"

"No. I'm not just gonna ignore it Tray" I say frustratingly

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