Chapter 31- Mom?

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Zoe's POV

Ah, the mall. What a lovely place to be. Note the sarcasm.

"Tray, I don't wanna go" I whine for the fourth time. He's basically dragging me inside.

"Zoe, we've been over this" he says exasperatedly.

"Pleaseee" I plead

"That's it!" Once again I am thrown over his shoulder and he causally carries me inside the mall ignoring the horrified looks of parents.

"Okay okay put me down"

"What do you promise to do?" He says expectantly.

"I promise to stop complaining and be happy."


"That's what I just said" I snap.

"Ah ah ah" he sings and I sigh.

"I promise" he slowly puts me down and grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers. He kisses my cheek and we catch up to the others.

"Took you guys long enough" Teddy says rolling his eyes.

"Mhm" Ted says in a girl voice wiggling his eyebrows. Everyone laughs including me.

"Where do you guys wanna go first" Natalia asks.

"Build a bear!" I exclaim. Pay back's a female dog Tray. The guys groan but Amelia squeals so loudly I wince. Everyone turns to her mouth agape. Even Teddy looks bewildered.

"What?" She says shyly.

"Build a bear it is" the mystery girl I found out whose name was Riley says with a laugh. She's actually sweet but loose with her mouth.

Tray playfully glares at me but I smile innocently. "Come on babe, let's go make our baby." We all enter build a bear workshop and I immediately go towards a cute looking piglet.

"So are you trying to say our baby is going to look like a pig?" Tray says wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. I snort and roll my eyes.

"I guess the apple doesn't fall so far from the tree." His mouth falls open and I giggle while fulling my piglet with stuffing. "Babe wanna pick the clothes out?" His eyes light up and I smile.

He picks out a blue shirt that has the word "Daddy" on it. I guess my piglet is a boy.

"Perfect" his eyes gleam with pride and I laugh at him. We go towards the cashier and stand in line. Teddy and Amelia stood behind us along with Natalia and Chris. Teddy had a blue bear tucked in his arm with the same gleam in his eyes and Chris had a panda which he was playing with while Natalia smiled and rolled her eyes at him.


Guys are so much more mushier than girls. 

Ted and Riley were still looking while Courtney and Jaden were nowhere to be seen. Grayson just stood outside. Lonely. Poor guy.

"I thought you guys didn't want to come with us?" I say mockingly and they glare at me playfully. Ted came to the cashier rocking a brown bear in his arms while Riley just looked amused.


"Next in line please." I was going to step forwards when I heard.

"You wouldn't mind if I cut in line now deary" I froze at the voice.


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