Chapter 27- Retard

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A/N: *Gasps* Did i really say this book will end soon?! I must've been in my feelings I'm sorry guys. That's not happening xD I was freaking out my bad ♥


Zoe's Pov

One week Later

"So we have two more weeks before dad comes home and this week has no school" Trays say plopping on my bed.

"Mhm" I say trying to finish my math assignment. We were going pretty well if you ask me. Our arguments were so petty though. We argue about, whether I'm driving to school, whether we're matching, whether I'm eating on his table, and I lose about all of them so I gave up.

"Don't say 'Mhm' what're we gonna do" He whined

"I don't know" I reply with a shrug continuing my assignment when It disappeared , Tray holding it over his head.

"Help me." I huffed and thought about it.

"Pool party?"

"Not bad but it only takes one day, we're talking about a whole week"

"Sleepover with the girls and guys?"

"We can do both"

"There you have it" I told him taking my book away.


"Retard" He gasps and kisses my cheek before leaving me to do my homework.


We arrive at school and follow our routine. We were wearing black beanies and black thrasher shirts. I had on a black tight skirt that ended mid thigh and Tray threw a fit but I ignored him. he wore tight jeans with cut outs.

We walk into school together and he drops me off at all of my classes at usual. Today is Monday and all we had to do was bring in our assignments and we were off the rest of the week. So after lunch is basically time to go home. I had to inform the people that sit on our table, (My new best friends) minus Jaden and Courtney who only glare, of the sleepover.

Its lunchtime and I didn't see Tray, so I decided to walk to the cafeteria myself. I stop short of the entrance when I see Courtney sitting on him and he's whispering something in her ears, hands around her waist.


I knew it wouldn't last long I mean, why would he choose me over nice long legs and some huge boobs. Right?

I hold back the tears and continue walking to our table, I put on a huge smile and take a seat next to Chris. 

Our table consists of Red headed Latino Natalia, she's super nice with an adorable accent. She had a major crush on Chris and I feel bad for making her scoot over but desperate measures. Then there's the twins, Ted and Teddy. Teddy's the quiet one but he has this brotherly instinct when it comes to us girls..except Courtney. Ted is just...loud, but he shares the same instinct and he knows when to stop and be serious. We've gotten closer. After that there's Grayson, he's probably the most intimidating and he doesn't laugh much, but he's quite nice once you get to know him. Then there's Amelia. She's quiet and shy but super nice. She's also Ted's girlfriend. She blushes way to much. Last but not least there are the Glaring twins, Jaden and Courtney. And well, you know them.

"Hey guys" I say plopping down. Everyone gaze snaps to me and they look horrified. "What? I have something on my face?"

"I, Uh, I" Chris stutters looking over to where Tray froze. He clears his throat and answers "No you do not"

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