Chapter 13- Nothing Like You.

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Zoe's POV

I feel the bed dip and a hand brushing over my face

What in the world.

I jolt up and fall off the bed on my butt.


"Sh*t. You okay?" I knew that voice too well. Tray.

"I'm fine" I say getting up. "What are you doing in my room?...Touching me....that's weird." Okay that sounded corrupted.

"I'm sorry" He says with a laugh "I just came to wake you up"

"Oh...Well thanks" I mumble.

"Yea." He sighs "Look I'm sorry for last night. I didn't mean to snap, I was just...I don't know." He runs a hand through his hair.

"No its okay. I understand I'm hard to handle sometimes" I say with a nervous laugh.

"Yea tell me about it" He says.


"Well I'll leave you to it. Dad and I connected our phones to your G.P.S so we'll know where you are at all times and I also set it up and put in the directions to school."

At all times?

I'm not a baby!

I wanted to scream but I decided not to "Okay Thanks"

"Yea.." After a few minutes of just staring at each other he left.

"Okay lemme' start my day" I said to myself.

I picked out a simple white tee and a knee length ripped jeans. I'm always wearing long shirts because of my belly tattoo.



Belly Tattoo.

I was young, depressed, and someone offered. FOR FREE! and they looked great so.

I don't regret it. Don't judge me. 

(^ Picture of the tattoo

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(^ Picture of the tattoo. Note: Not Zoe. Just her Tattoo.)

I quickly hopped in the shower and put on my clothes. I left my hair down since for the first time it was 'Wet N Wavy', I added a little lip gloss and mascara then I slipped my phone into my back pocket and headed downstairs. 

"Good morning Princess" I noticed dad sitting at the kitchen island with a cup of coffee.

"Morning Dad" It felt weird saying that. I've known him for less than a day, but here we are. "Where's Tray?" 

"Oh he left already, he had to pick up some of his friends."

"Oh okay" I say with a smile "I'll grab something to eat on the go. Love you dad" Again..Weird, but I liked it.

"Do you need any cash?" He asked?

"Oh, no I can't take your-"

"Nonsense. You're my responsibility. Plus I have lots of money. What's wrong with spending a few bills on my new daughter" he said with a wink reaching into his pocket.

"No Dad that's really no-"

"Take it." He said leaving no room for arguments. I looked at his hand to see a hundred dollar bill. My eyes popped out of their socket. Don't get me wrong. I've seen lots of hundreds. But they were never in my possession. "Take it or I'll add more." I quickly grabbed the money and kissed him on his cheek.

"Thanks dad" he winked and I entered my car.

It felt so good. I feel independent. I feel strong. I feel in contro-

Knock. Knock. Knock. I glance to the passenger side of my car only to see...Mom?

I roll down the glass."What do you want?"

"Look who got on their feet so quickly." She said 

I felt sick. "L-leave me a-alone."


Its been a day.

Give me a break woman!

"I gotta say Zoe, I underestimated you. You are my flesh and blood after all. Cunning, vile, You'll do anything to get what you want"

"I-I'm nothing l-like you" I say pathetically.

"Oh, but you are. You-"

"Get the hell away from her!"


Oh thank god.

She straightened up and said "She's MY daughter"

"Uhh, not she's not. You gave up that right yesterday remember?"

"My name is on the birth paper and on anything else related to her. I own her." She said with a smirk. "And I can get her back anytime I want. Which is this afternoon. I can't bare just a few hours without my lovely daughter. I apologize for my uh..rude behavior."



"Oh you are? Well I'm sorry" he says pulling out a paper from his back pocket. "This my dear. Is the adoption papers. And since YOU said that YOU didn't want to see her again. They didn't bother asking for your signature." 

Sweet Baby Jesus!

She scoffed and glared at me, then at dad. She turned on her heel and walked into her house. Dad looked at me with concern.

"Are you alright princess"

"Yes. Thank you soo much" I jumped out of the car and hugged him. Who knew that I, Zoe King, the depressed sixteen year old, after a day, would have a completely new family. I was so grateful for Mr.Harvard. I've known him for less than 24 hours and he took me in and treats me like his own flesh and blood. 

"Shh, Don't cry. You're going to be late for school" I didn't even realize i was crying. Its just so heartwarming.

"I'll see you later dad" I walked back to my car  and drove off waving at him. 

So this is what it feels be loved.

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