Chapter 44- I don't want to sink.

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Tray's POV

"Guys, I can't find Zoe"

Zoe wouldn't leave without letting one of us know. So when ten minutes passed and I still haven't seen Zoe, I panicked.

"What do you mean you can't find her?!" Grayson exclaims.

"I mean she's gone!" I yell back. We were all currently outside the club yelling at each other, but Amelia was quiet. Looking quite guilty.

"Amelia" her head snaps up and her eyes are filled with guilt.

"You know something" I state narrowing my eyes.

"Wh-what." she replies looking down.

"Listen Amelia, my girlfriend is missing. M-i-s-s-i-n-g. Okay? Do you know how that feels?! Just tell us what you know!" I yell and she flinches.

She sighs and starts off.

"When Teddy and I had the argument, Zoe approached me and I left after blaming her for everything that happened. During my walk I met Jaden who told me he was having a tough day too, he told me that Zoe wasn't willing to give him a second Chance. Then he asks me all kinds of questions and I answered not knowing he was planning some kind of kidnapping. Then all of a sudden he pulled out a gun stating that he was going to tell me something only because he wants you to suffer. He told me that he was bringing her to.. 67th street, abandoned warehouse, and I had to tell you this in the next 3 days well and 2 days now because he told me yesterday. I'm so sorry."

I just stood there processing the information.

"He told me that if I told you before the days were up he would kill Teddy and I" she breathes "I didn't want that to happen".

Teddy looks so confused, but mostly guilty.

Lord, this guilt thing is killing me.

What am I still doing here?

I sprint to my car and get in.

"Tray what are you doing?" Chris calls out hands wrapped around a crying Natalia.

"I'm going to get my girl what do you think I'm doing?" I snap.

"We're coming too"

"Guys I-"

"We're. Coming. Too" Grayson says word by word and I put my hands up in a surrender motion.

"We gotta stop at my dad's safehouse though"

"Why?" Chris asks.

"Weapons" Ted replies clapping his hands and Riley whacks his head.

"Owe babe"

"Get yourself killed and I'll ensure there's no after life for you" she glares.


Zoe's POV

They finally untied me stating I had no where to run so I started pacing.

What am I gonna do?

I can't leave Tray!

Lord, why me.

I feel the tears prick my eyes and I let them fall. I feel so...hopeless.

For the first time I'm so lost.

I'm drowning.

...I just hope someone comes to save me before I sink.


Its short ik but its leading up to something I'm sorry guys 😳 😂 I hope u like it though.

Bye loviess.

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