Chapter 38 - Bed of Lies

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Zoe's POV

"Soo...." Amelia dragged out as I stared intensly at her. "What you wanna do"

"You and I are gonna have a little chat" I say grabbing her hand and leading her to the kitchen. I pointed to one of the stools at said "Sit"

She looked confused but obediently sat and looked at me expectantly.

"Why are you so shy" I say narrowing my eyes.

"I don't know its just who I am" she said in a small voice shrugging her shoulders.

"Bullsh*t" I say. I've been watching her. Every time some one makes a decision for her she looks like he gonna object but stops herself, and that little slip up at the mall even more suspicion, there's something going on.

"Zoe really it's nothing" she tries giving me a smile but I'm having none of that.

"Amelia Miracle Duncan" I warn and she sighs.

"I...I was being abused" she says and I almost didn't catch it. Out of all the things. My eyes bulge and I run out of words.

"How?" I ask and she immediately knows what it means.

"Only physically don't worry"

"Would you like to tell me why" she hesitates at first.

"My dad blamed me for my mother leaving. You can picture the rest" she says laughing lightly.

"You still live with him?!" I exclaim

"No! Lord no!" She says laughing "I live with Teddy"

"Oo goals. How come I never heard about this?" She shrugs.

"So I assume teddy knows?"

"No." She answers looking down "I lied and told him that my dad simply disowned me"

Huh. That's exactly what happened to me.

"He asks questions though. Where did you get those scars? Why can't you tell me? Whose your dad? Each time I'd either say I can't tell you or I'd make up a lie" she informs beginning to cry and I engulf her in a hug.

"You have to tell him though, if he finds out some other're gonna lose his trust" she doesn't answer but she nods still in my arms.

..And then the door bursts open.

"Honey I'm home!" Tray yells and me and Amelia spring apart. I look at the clock. 12:30.


Next was Ted.

Then Grayson came in.


"Baby!" Tray whined stomping his foot as I refuses to give him a kiss and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Amelia my love" Teddy yells as he enters when he sees her though, his face falls.

"Amelia?" He says sprinting to her "baby what's wrong"


"Yea..I'm gonna go" Grayson says and Ted nods frantically pulling Grayson.

I roll my eyes.



"Amelia" I warn.

"Fine, but let's talk in the room" he slowly nods and they walk hand in hand into the room.

"What was that about" Tray asks looking in their direction. I only shrugged.

"Too bad. I missed you" he says circling an arm around my waist.

"You were gone for only two hours"

"That's wayy too long" before I could answer his lips crash into mine and I could help but smile.







I jump out of bed in which I receive a groan from Tray. I'm still a little sore *cough* so I simply walked slowly downstairs.

And let me tell you, its not pretty.

Glass everywhere. Shouting. Amelia crying. Blood. A seething Teddy. But don't worry Amelia's fine. Teddy however. Woo.

They didn't notice me so I hid begin one of the pillars.

"You lied Amelia. Lied!" He roared and Amelia flinched. Hell, even I flinched.

"Yes. I - I know but"

"No!" He yelled.

How have the others not woken up yet.

"I'm done. Everything you said to me was a lie. A lie"

"No that's not true!" She yelled at him her voice thick.

"That's not true" he mocked "you're right. Everything about you is a lie. Only 2 more days and I'm out of here. But fortunately I'm ending us right here. Have fun with daddy" He then turns on his heels and marches up the steps.

What a d*ck.

"Amelia" I say softly reaching for her.

"Stay away from me!" She screams and I flinch, surprised. "This is all your fault"


"If only you could keep your nose on your business this wouldn't have happened!"

"How could you blame this on me Amelia?!"

"Oh shut up Zoe, you always want to fix things! You act like you're all perfect and everyone has to like and bow down to you but all you really need to do is shut your mouth!" She then walked to the front door slamming in shut leaving me here standing with my mouth agape.

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