Chapter 14 - Oh Tray.

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Tray's POV

"I'm almost there relax"

"Tray, if I'm late for school I will freaking unfriend you" I roll my eyes at him while grinning.

That's my friend Jaden, don't let his attendance and good looks fool you. Jaden is the high school bad boy whose just secretly a nerd. He's seen as a player but he's actually a virgin. He seems obnoxious but he's actually kind and considerate.

He's been my best friend since we were four. He was about to eat sand when I stopped him and ever since then we share everything. I laughed at the memory.

"Is this funny to you?!" He yelled

"Dude! Are you trying to scream my ears off? I'm outside. Look" I say annoyed. I hear a 'click' indicating that he hung up. Soon enough I saw the front door swing open and out he comes with a frustrated look on his face.

"I'm so late man" He said. I looked at my dashboard. 8:15. School starts at 9:30

"Bruh, Jaden it's not even 8:30 yet."His eyes snapped to the dash board.

"Oh...I must have wrong time." He says with a sheepish smile. I roll my eyes and he gets in on the other side. I start the car and-

"I'm hungry." He whines and I roll my eyes again.


"Yeah!" I swear he was such a kid.

I quickly parked next to a familiar SUV.


Zoe's POV

"Welcome to Mcdonalds. What would you like to eat?" The employee asked me. I wasn't really hungry so I ordered a milk shake and some fries. I went to an empty table and started playing with my phone while I ate.

"Fancy meeting you here"

I looked up to see Tray and another boy around his age staring at me.

"What? Only you can eat here?" I say with a laugh and he grins at me. He sits on the opposite side of me and his friend sits next to me.

"Jaden Carter" His friend said. I must admit he was handsome. He had brown hair and one hell of a jaw line. His eyes were blue and he had freckles. He was muscular and had a white polo shirt with a light blue cut jeans. Delicious.

"Zoe King" I say with a smile.

"Nice to meet you pretty lady" I blushed, he grinned and well, Tray gagged.

Jaden had dimples. Dimples. I swear Tray and him could be twins although his dimples showed when he laughed, talked and when he ate Tray's only showed when he smiled or grinned.


Lovie♣- Where are you?! Get your a** in school young lady!

I giggled, shaking my head time to go.

"Well guys I've got to go." I say signalling for Jaden to get up, but instead he stared at me. "Jaden?"

"Oh right." He said getting up quickly. Tray snorted and Jaden glared at him. I waved and started walking out.

"Zoe wait!" I turned around to see Jaden's jogging towards me."I'm having a party on Saturday, you should come."

"A party? Oh I don't know" I say running a hand through my hair. "Booze, sweaty people, drunk people, it's not really my scene. Sorry" I shoot him an apologetic smile and turn to unlock my car.

"Pretty please" he says "You can invite your friends"

I thought about it.

Well I guess I should go out more...and Nova and Chris could come..Oh what the heck.

"Okay sure." I say turning back to him.

"Thank you" He says with a smirk. He slides his hand down my back onto my ass and I freeze.

"W-what are you doing?" I say looking around. He removes my phone and types in his number then chuckles.

"I'll text you the address. 9:00 okay?" He says. I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Okay" and he turns and walks back in.

I look at my phone to see that he saved his name as Bae ♥. I rolled my eyes and with a smile and I made my way to school.

Trays POV

Seeing Zoe and Jaden close to each other...just pisses me off.

Relax Tray, she's just a friend.

So why did I feel this way?

Soon Jaden comes back in with this huge grin on his face. "What?"

"Dude I got her number AND she's coming to my party." He said still smiling. However a surge of jealousy passed through me.

"Oh okay. She's kinda lame though, has a dark past too. You should stay away." Why the hell did I just say that?

"Oh" his smile becomes dim and he glared at me.

Um Okay.

"Anyway we should get going it's 8:55"

"Cool." We got up and threw our trash in the bin then I drove to school.

We were in the parking lot when Jaden says "You know, she seems pretty cool and its always the 'lamest' ones who bring out the best in you" and with that he slams the door and disappears into the hall.

What was that?

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