Chapter 43- Darling

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Zoe's POV

Who the fudge ran a train over my head?

I groan and try to get up where ever I am but to my surprise I am only pulled back down.

What the hell?

Oh great. I'm tied to a chair.

Thanks so much world. I have been kidnapped.

I scream profanities to anyone listening and suddenly the door bursts open.


I gasp



Well..that..that wasn't really a surprise.

"Did you really think I'd let you get away with punching me?" I roll my eyes and mocked her in a high pitched voice.

"Did you really think I'd let you get away with punching me?" Another eye roll. "Can you shut the fudge up my head is hurting"

"You're tied to a chair and you care about your head."

"Yes bimbo" I snapped "now be quiet"

"Um excuse me, you're the one locked in this place, I don't thin-"

"Courtney please shut up" Jaden exclaims looking at her. She huffs but shuts up nonetheless.

Thank the heavens.

"So Zoe, I told you that I wanted you but still you did not return the gesture" jaden says. "So now I must apply force to my actions. You will be mine and that's that"

Is this boy crazy?

"Are you ok?" I ask "In the brain I mean"

"Do you not understand that I do not want you! Tying me up?! Like some kind of animal, isn't gonna change my mind" I scoff and scoot until I'm no longer facing him.


I'm almost afraid until he speaks up again.

"You know, I really hoped I wouldn't have to do this" he says and I immediately become alarmed.


I wince at the pain in my cheek as a hand collides with it.

He hit me!

He hit me!

Ha! Wait till I'm out of here I will-

"So glad I had the honour to do that but I'm not done just yet" Courtney says.

Oh so it was bimbo.

Stupid nails.

She kicks my in my stomach and I try my best to keep the bile that's coming up, down. She keeps slapping me, punching me, kicking me, anywhere she can.

"Okay okay, Courtney chill jeez" jaden says.

Everywhere hurts but I laugh looking her dead in the eye.

"I'd like to see you fight back when I'm not tied like a dog" I retorted and she grinned.

"Too bad you won't be here"

Won't be here?

"What do you mean I won't be here?"

"Zoe, in just 48 hours you and I are going on a little trip" Jaden pronounces excited.


"For what?"

"To find our new dream country where we will buy a house and make our babies." He grinned and I blanched.

"What the hell is wrong with you! I'm sixteen! You're seventeen! You need therapy, holy water and a priest!" I yelled and even Country couldn't hold back her laugh. Suddenly a rough hand connected with my cheek and even Courtney gasps. I feel the tears prick my eyes as something cold presses against my temple.

"Watch who you're talking too, darling"

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