Chapter 37- Incredimazable

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Zoe's POV

"Have you seen her?" I hear a voice on the other end say.

"Nah man I only woke up a while ago, find her soon though. Courtney's ready to go" Grayson replies

So... I'm now situated in the hallways bathroom....under the sink...crammed in the cupboard.

I'm just not ready to face him.

Its not like I regret it, its just that..I'm embarrassed you know? He saw my body.


The scars.

The tattoes.

The down there.

I put my head in my hands and start to cry silently.

What is wrong with me?

I'm so...pathetic.

Suddenly my tears turn into silent sob, but apparently not silent enough because the cupboard drawer springs open and a worried looking Tray is revealed.

"Zoe.." He calls softly and I wipe my tears unable to look at him. I look down at my hands instead.

He pulls me out of the cupboard and sits on the floor with me in between him. He turns me around so that I'm facing him and I feel so ashamed when I search his eyes and find hurt.

"Why" he whispered.

"I'm sorry" I reply sadly.

"Did....did you regret it?" He says in a small voice closing his eyes.

"What? No of course not. I would do it tons of times again with you babe. Only with you" I say cupping his cheeks and he leaned into my touch.

"Why'd you leave then" he asks eyes still closed.

"I..I don't know. I guess I was in a state of panick"

"Hmm" he replied sounding unconvinced.

"I felt like you saw me, my scars, everything and...and that scares me" his eyes pop open and he stares intently at me "my body isn't exactly beautiful and I just..I couldn't handle it at that time. The blow of knowing that the one you love saw everything and it may not even be enough" I say my voice cracking at the end.

"Stop. Don't ever say that again. You're beautiful. You're even better than that. You're incredimazable. Okay? Baby I love your scars, I love your tattoos except for that wrist one of course, I just love everything about you. The way your eyes cinkole when you laugh too hard or when you scrunch your nose when you see something you don't like. I like the way you close your eyes and listen to songs like they're the most meaningful things on earth. The way your dimple gets bigger if you smile or talk, the wa-"

"Okay okay" I say laughing but I was on the verge of happy tears. "Thank you"


"I'll always be there for you babe. You've been through so much and I know you feel like everybody leaves you, but I won' matter the circumstances. I'll even sit in the tub reading a magazine while you use the bathroom. I'll do it for you." He smiles broadly at me before finally, finally connecting our lips.

Good thing I brushed my teeth earlier woo!

"Okay babe we gotta go"

"Go? Where?"

"Out. For breakfast" I groan

"With everyone?"

"With everyone"


He helps me up and I scream at my appearance. Rats nest. Check. Blotchy skin. Check. Ratty PJs. Check. Swollen lips. Check.

I'm fugly!

Get it?

Fudging. Ugly

{A\N: ~laughs at my own joke~ sounded way better in my head...}

Tray looks startled at first but then he kissed my cheek and mumbled beautiful. I blushed and he smacked my butt grinning widely

"15 minutes beautiful" he calls out.

15 minutes?!

15 minutes...

(Sponge bob's narrator's voice)
15 minutes later.

I'm dressed in high waisted shorts and a grey T-shirt. I tucked the shirt in and added a red plaid flannel to the waist. I paired it with my grey vans. My hair is currently in a big poof! Because somebody just couldn't wait!

We all went to a little cafe just around the corner and place orders. Most of us ordered pancakes and bacon anyway.

"So guys. Party tonight. Wendy's house, whose up for it?" Grayson says sipping on his cola.

"Nah" I'm the first one to speak.


"I agree with Zoe. I rather stay home" Amelia says quietly.

All the others agreed to go, although I had to beg Tray to go out and enjoy himself without me, it still worked out.

I'm finally gonna have some alone time with Amelia.

Its about time.


Guys! So I just realized that this book is gonna end soon! The moment of climax is almost there :O

Guh damn!

Then its editing ugh.

Anyway guys 😂😂 check out my new book


A CEO romance like I said before ❤❤

Bye loviesss 💞💟👋💞💞💞

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