Chapter 10- New home

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Zoe's POV

Ha! To say I was terrified was an understatement. Morti freaking fied.

Why did my mother have to do this to me?

We were currently walking in with our last batch of luggage when his parents pulled in. Here we go.

"Son what is this?" His father seethed

"Dad liste-" Tray tried to explain

"Did you get one of you 'Girls' pregnant and kicked out?" He yelled. And I flinched.

"What? No! Were not even sleeping together she's my neighbor" he said pointing to my mothers house "well used to be but she got kicked out because her mother thinks that she is a 'disgrace' because she looks like her father." He explained and as I heard him say it, it became more real. What a stupid excuse to disown your own child.

"Oh" his father said calming down "I'm sorry dear" and surprisingly he came up to hug me. I embraced his hug after all hugs aren't a frequent thing I got. "You're welcome to stay here, you must be special to my son if he actually made you stay here. He isn't really...the commitment type so be careful" he whispered the last part so only I could hear.

"I'll keep that in mind" I replied with a smile.

"Where's mom?" Tray asked.

"Tray why don't you show Zoe her room" he said ignoring his question. "Well your room"

"Huh?" I looked at tray with a confused expression and he smirked back at me.

"Let's go sweetheart" he said playfully

"Thank you so much for making me stay here Mr. Harvard"

"Oh shush call me John or Dad. Preferably dad" he said with a full on smile

"Okay, Dad" I say mirroring his smile.

"Um can you stop trying to stealing my dad" Tray said.

Mr. Harv- Dad and I both started laughing. I walked up to Tray and he smiled down at me. He was so cute! And boy was he tall. He placed his hand on the lower part of my back and led me to m- our room.

It was huge! With two beds one black and one pink. I assumed the pink one was mine and I cringed. I hated pink. But who am I to complain.

"I know you like black so the black one is yours" he spoke up. And I choked on my saliva.


"So..the pink one is yours?" I asked while both my eyebrows shot up my mouth opened slightly.

"Yup" he replied. I couldn't help it, I burst out laughing and he looked at me amused. "You're so cute you know" I immediately stopped and blushed hard while mumbling a "thank you". I heard him chuckle from behind me.

"The shower is in there. You can change and dress in there since you need your privacy. Sorry there aren't any extra rooms." He said

"Oh its fine. As long as I have a place to stay. Ill have to find a job though for gas money, clothes etc" I said



"Well I'll be downstairs with my dad and you can freshen up and head down for dinner when you're done."

"Okay" and with that he walked out.

I gently closed the door and sat on the floor. I swear I was such a cry baby but I couldn't help it. It was too much. I cried quietly making sure the wouldn't hear me. My second day in this town, my first day of school, and I've already been kicked out and is currently living with a neighbor.

How great is that.

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